ART dual levelear schematic?

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2010
Hey guys..I recently bought some rack gear, and found this piece of junk included with all the other rack gear I bought...Oh sucks!!  Time to MOD it!!!

Anybody know How I can get a copy of the schematic?

I took some voltage readings at the tubes...and YES...saddly the heaters are only running at 3 volts!  SAD SAD SAD...time for me to mod

anybody that can help, I would appreciate it!
I have one of these myself.(same deal, thrown in with some other gear)...does anyone have page 2 of the schematic? That's where the power supply is I guess.
> this piece of junk ...Oh sucks!!


> Time to MOD it!!!

The basic I/O and limiter are probably better than most designers/modders would ever concoct.

> the heaters are only running at 3 volts!

3V on a 12V heater....  it probably would not pass signal.

If it is really 3V, there is a power supply fault to find and fix.

I had a similar ART box. I found it pretty nice as-is. However my goal was utter transparency, and "Tube" as a model-name means "it's got flavor!". In my tinkerings I bypassed the tube stage and got a VERY nice recording channel. I did that without the schematic; ART's PCBs are nicely laid-out and not that hard to follow.

ART _will_ email you the schematic if the gear is over 3 years. Email the exact model and serial number.
I agree that the side chain and such is probably very usable...

Also, for what they cost, you do get a lot.

I don't know why they go through all the trouble to just power the tube with 48v, seems like even a voltage doubler in this regard would help some.

My unit is going to be converted into an all-tube signal path, ala Ian's poor man makeup amp, and use the stock sidechain and metering.

Still would like a schem of the PSU, save me from having to trace it out.
schematics added to the
The 45VDC already come from a quadrupler from the 8-0-8VAC transformer.
If filaments read 3V, the whatever used tube substitutions draw 444mA each instead of 137mA and the 27R/1W R58 and R83 better be a >5.3W rated part. Reason these have survived might be, the +/-15V regulators have been in thermal shutdown or dried psu-caps. Time to get the mod out or fix the psu.
Thanks Harpo... just looked at it... :( Looks like I'll be building a new HV supply in there... (god I hope there's room left...)
It's not my first  " go to " comp but i too , got one on a good deal
and like it better than the art  preamp ,which is still usable
If i run out of comps doesn't make me angry to use it
and the mark of any decent gear  - doesn't ruin the recording  -
I have the one page schematic if still needed