If you are doing testing for publication, do yourself a favor and buy an AP System 2. They can be found on eBay for around $5k to $6k and then you have access to just about any kind of exporting you want through APWin software. The new SW will let you export JPEGs of the graphs directly. You can download the SW from and run it on any PC in demo mode (without any hardware) if you want to check it out. All those gyrations with the GPIB and parallel port capture are gonna leave you unfulfilled, imo. Personally, I think the P-One is a cool piece of equipment, but I despise the interface.
Find out who your local rep is and maybe he can help you find a used piece. Sometimes they will help you, sometimes not. But asking is free.
Stay away from System Ones as AP has basically discontinued support due to lack of parts availability. Be careful the terminology you use when asking for services from AP as well. You want "Factory Adjustment" not calibration. Cost diff is about 2x.
My opinion is still out on the D-Scope. I tried to get one for eval a couple of years ago and they wanted to send it UPS and charge the company CC for it in the meantime. If I'm buying a piece of equipment like that new, I expect a personal demo... That's just me though. :green: I CAN tell you that you are never going to find a company more dedicated to customer support than AP...period. They set the standard in my experience and I have only ever dealt with one other company that has their level of support in my career as a test engineer (and they don't make test gear).
If you have any questions you'd like to discuss about the AP SW or the AP in general, I'd be happy to try and help. I've been using them since 94, so I know at least enough to be dangerous. Send me a PM, Bob.