Avalon 737sp burned resistors

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Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Jun 11, 2004
Hi! Im trying to identify some burned resistors in an avalon 737sp that Im trying to repair and want to know if there is some kind person that can help me identifing them. I just need the value of them 4.

I have a general picture and a detailed one of the problematic card. Sorry if they are too big...

This is the general look


this is the card with burned resistors. The top right one of previous picture


The 4 resistors are the R49, R37, R19 and R18.

I cant see their color code because they are burned :(... If someone can see inside one Avalon737sp and tell me their color code or value I would be very grateful.... If someone know why this card is for... would be a nice help to repair them too

Thanks all!!

burnt resistor indicate that there potentially is a larger problem at hand. More over the in house guys at avalon and me have mixed results. I had a 2022 mic pre that was not working right at all. They had me open it up while on the phone and take a couple of test measurements with a dmm, then proceeded to tell me that the unit has a fault and they will give me a rma number to send it in for repair. Would not send a schematic or anything.
Thanks for replies. Yes... I can try to call them but I was triying not to do because I have very bad spoken english... I must find a friend here who call from me to do this query... its not easy at all. Also I guess that there are maybe larger problems asociated and need measurements to know, probably some transistors are bad too but I can see they codes and measure them out of circuit to test they funcionality, the only parts that I cant know they value are the resistors...  :(
Thanks anyway for advices :)

you could try and contact

From the avalon site

Service and Repair (International)

PMS Electronics
Tel: +49 (0) 571-646-000
Fax: +49 (0) 571-646-0010

web: pms-electronics.de
email: [email protected]

Myring Wiring
Tel: +44-7850-866-396
Fax: +44-116-271-8362

Munich, Germany
Tel: 49-89-818-86-949
Fax: 49-89-818-93-485
definitely I will have to contact any official service if no one here have an avalon 737sp to have a look in and see the color code for these resistances  :-\
Thanks anyway to all  ;)

I have one at one of the studios I work for... if you give me a few days I'll look... and take a picture.
that would be fantastic!!!  :D  if it could be.
If you dont have a camera I only need the value or color codes of the 4 burned resistors really, R49, R37, R19 and R18...


Hi Arnau,

I have a 737 here with same issue. Could you post the picture of a good one or help me by telling me what the values of R19 and R40 as these are the two burned beyond recognition on this one.

Many thanks,


Apache5 said:
I got a good picture of a good one :). Now its repaired, the four resistors and two transistors replaced and all is ok now!

Thanks all  ;)

I am sure that Simona in CA speaks Spanish.

Looks like a transistor took-out surrounding components.  They might be able to arrange a board repair in Europe.

They are a very supportive company but they keep their designs close so do not disclose schematics.

Or maybe someone here can shoot a pic of a good unit?  Don't know if the transistors have the numbers removed. . .


R18 resistor is burned in my avalon 737 :'(.  Could someone please tell me the resistors value.
On circuit card # 5600-7372 The value of r18 is 3r48.

Check q8 for failure as well it should be a bd139. Also check q5,q6,q7 as well.

R18 is the same value as r19. R18 is on the positive side of voltage swing and r19 the negative side.
Now I have replaced these four transistors but it still burns r18 when power is switched on.  Please help what to do next..

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