that is fantastic information!Yes. My personal belief, based on tests I have done, is that the capsule is going to account for at least 75-80% of the sound of a mic. That is taking for granted that the circuit is well designed. I don't think there is anything in the circuit that is attenuating the >10KHZ frequencies. It just seems that Maiku has decided to make the capsule a little smoother and dare I say "warmer" than the original KM84 capsule. I've used 4 different KM84s over the last few years on a somewhat regular basis. They all sound similar. The two capsules I got from the kit also sound very similar to each other. They just don't sound similar to a KM84. That isn't to say they sound bad. They actually sound good and with a little EQ, they can sound very much like a KM84.
One thing I'm curious about. I wonder how an Oktava MK-012 capsule would sound with the kits body. I have not checked the threads but I have a feeling it wouldn't be a direct replacement but could be a fun experiment. I've used the Oktava mics (modded) that I have in place of KM84s all the time. When doing close micing, they sound closer than anything else I've ever tried.
curious to see what you thought of the clips I made (post #323) comparing the Warm omni capsule to the kit capsule. If you could get.the Oktava to fit, it would be interesting too.