weiss said:when i can hear it click it means it's working right? ???
Yes, sounds like the relay is working. When you say the HF section doesn’t work do you mean no signal or the controls aren’t working?
weiss said:when i can hear it click it means it's working right? ???
Gold said:Yes, sounds like the relay is working. When you say the HF section doesn’t work do you mean no signal or the controls aren’t working?
weiss said:Is it possible i used the wrong potentiometers? Mine only have 3 solder lugs instead of 4 printed on the pcb. But then i think it's strange that most of the pots work..
i used this BOM
Wrong. Every connection to the ground plane is hidden.shot said:It should be okay to use 3 lug pots since if you observe original board designed by mr. Porter it uses only 3 lugs. Fourth lug is not connected.
I've attached PCB Tracking.pdf here so look it up
Harpo said:Wrong. Every connection to the ground plane is hidden.
Gold said:I used the two 5K resistors twisted together trick to get my EQ going. You could also rig up an On-Off-On toggle switch for max gain, min gain and no gain.
The gain control is a good candidate for a rotary switch for this reason.
ctechdx said:I would like to know an average of how much I will spend to build a stereo version.
weiss said:
How about keeping it simple and buy a board at https://www.pcbgrinder.com/produktside/neteqAleguitarpro said:I'm searching for a good/"working" gerber for this eq.
Files I have seems to be misaligned and not readable.
spunky said:How about keeping it simple and buy a board at https://www.pcbgrinder.com/produktside/neteq
Gold said:My BPEQ
Slime_Lord said:The only issue that I’m having appears to be on the low-mid band and is occurring on both channels. I can hear it sweeping the frequencies and the Q widening/tightening but the boost/cut is incredibly subtle in compared to the other bands. Is this by design