BOP Studios - interesting SOS article

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Very interesting article. I have been in several tom hidley rooms,  including a non-environment' control room design. The walls were false. meaning there was a mesh wall and the real walls were back much further beyond the mesh. There was a 6 foot deep bass trap in the floor in front of the console  and was also covered with mesh. The Control room was anechoic and was said to be the best for mixing according to Tom. You hear the sound once and no reflections from the room, true sound.  It was weird environment to be in and takes getting used to, plus the bass trap in front of the console prevented a person from walking in front of the console, something I like to do now and then while mixing just to listen from different parts of the room. Hard to judge anything that was done there as I have never been in another control room like it to compare. 
I agree, the room takes a little getting used to ... only because it sounds different ... but once I did I truly enjoy them.

The hole behind the console ALWAYS bothered me though.  I also like to wander behind the console and with the trap you really can't.  Swapping speakers was always a touchy move....

All that said, as long as the speakers are in good working order the rooms sound great to me.

Thanks for sharing this, somehow I totally missed this studio being built.  It's quite interesting and I hope they get it fully functional again.

I was hired to engineer out there, but the whole thing fell apart before I got there.

Unfortunately the whole project was set up a huge scam to launder money by the "homeland leader" Lucas Mangope

Very sad state of affairs.....