I'm working on a bunch of Limiter Builds. I want to ensure I'm calibrating correctly using Pro Tools and my Signal generator.
I created an Aux track and added a signal generator with a 1K sine wave. I output that to one of my physical outputs and use a DMM to measure the AC coming out. 24.5 mV = -30dbu
To measure, I put black on pin 3 and red on pin 2.
Once I verified the voltage, I plug that into the capi 511 where the compressor is connected, then I take the output of that channel, and while the compressor is in bypass, I confirm "what I get in, is what I get out" still using DMM.
from there, I just use the output cable to verify the rest.
so my question is when I'm verifying 7dB of gain reduction:
**Gain Reduction Meter Calibration**
1. The goal for the next procedure is to get 7dB of gain reduction happening.
2. Start by flipping the GR toggle to off.
3. Apply a 1kHz sine wave @ +7dBu to the input.
4. Turn the input pot up to approximately 1:00.
5. Adjust the output pot so that your device monitoring the output level reads +7dBu.
6. Engage the GR toggle. Take note of the output level.
7. Disengage Gain Reduction.
8. Adjust the input pot up or down by the level amount noted in step #7 above. For example,
my reading in step #7 was +0.4dBu so I will adjust my input pot up so that the level at the
output is +7.4dBu. Then adjust the output pot to yield a +7dBu output level.
9. Engage the GR toggle to verify that you have 7dB of gain reduction. If not, adjust the
input an output pots as needed.
10. Once that has been verified, turn the GR toggle off.
What Number am I looking for to know 7dB of gain reduction is happening with DMM? I can adjust the input and output all day long to ensure 7dbu of output. but when I flip GR on, am I looking for 2.24V RMS? (7dBV = 2.24V RMS)
There are no videos anywhere on how to do this. So, if this is correct, I will work on a YouTube tutorial to help out anyone confused.