I've been slow in getting my FC526s built, but I bought 4 kits and got them pretty much put together about a month ago. Started measuring TP9 and my 20 year old Fluke 87 reported -10.03 on all 4. As the deviation was the same across all 4, I assume my DMM was the issue and it's at Fluke undergoing calibration (I've had it for 20+ years and it was never calibrated, Fluke service folks said "we can calibrate, but we're long out of replacement parts") so I'll have it back soon. In the mean time I got myself a Keysight U1242C as well, and its calibration numbers for DCV are spot-on. Just measured all 4 on TP9 and I saw: -10.034, -10.026, -10.029 and -10.032 volt.
What should I look at? I know "bad solder joints", but I've made sure to keep a good eye on that as I was putting the boards together and I've made sure to properly flux and clean. So I have no clue. Is -10.03 (ish) too far off? I guess so.
Another question: That MTR 11 point at the start of the calibration document, which joint is it? It's close to 3 solder joints. None of them are within spec anyway on all my builds.
What should I look at? I know "bad solder joints", but I've made sure to keep a good eye on that as I was putting the boards together and I've made sure to properly flux and clean. So I have no clue. Is -10.03 (ish) too far off? I guess so.
Another question: That MTR 11 point at the start of the calibration document, which joint is it? It's close to 3 solder joints. None of them are within spec anyway on all my builds.