Momentary hijack questions, then i'm gone

i've been thinking about selling my brand new seventh circle audio rig, i built 2 api style a-12s and 2 neve style n72's, with the new black chassis. I'm loving the a12's with the red dots, but i'm bummed i can't drive the input hard and attenuate the output , (pads are a drag) I found the capi stuff and I'm thinking i'm wanting the capi vp28's.
my questions are as follows;
1. Are they that much better sounding than the a12 with scott lieber red dots?
2. does the channel fader nob on the vp28 allow you to drive the input hard and cut the output enough to not overload your daw input?
3. would it be worth it to build a variable attenuator for the output of my a12 and forget the vp28 and 51x?
4. any other reasons i'm not aware of that make the 51x and vp28's a better option in the long run?
Thanx for your input fellas,