Building an OTB summing chain....

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2004
Chicago, IL
I've built a passive summing box, but now want to beef it up.

I think I want my chain to go as follows...

PT> Summing box > XYZ DIY Pres > GSSL > PT

I'm stuck on what preamps to build. API-ish, Neve-ish, G9? Anyone have suggestions?

Should I swap out the GSSL with something else? Maybe the PRR Vari Mu?

I've got a few bucks to kick around and haven't built anything in a while. I do mostly rock and metal so I don't need transparency....colour is good!
Maybe the Great River MP-2 with the suggested Jensen input & output transformers - would be very transparent or maybe a Seventh Circle Audio J99 (Jensen Twin Servo) supposed to be very big and 'euphoric' sounding :green:

I've been researching this subject a lot myself myself recently, figuring out which to use with a folcrom summing box.