I want to change the hipass filter in my mixer from 100Hz to 40Hz or something around that frequency.
This is a picture from the scematic:
I'm trying to figure out the values to put in for the cap and resistor. I have searched but I can't seem to find what type of design this is.
Can someone help me identify this filter? Any suggestions on values will be appreciated.
R15 is 22k. C12 and C13 are 47n
Thanks in advance.
I want to change the hipass filter in my mixer from 100Hz to 40Hz or something around that frequency.
This is a picture from the scematic:
I'm trying to figure out the values to put in for the cap and resistor. I have searched but I can't seem to find what type of design this is.
Can someone help me identify this filter? Any suggestions on values will be appreciated.
R15 is 22k. C12 and C13 are 47n
Thanks in advance.