> ceramics do tend to be sterile and "brittle" sounding
You can't lump all "ceramics" together.
As Hardy says, the small ceramics are nearly "perfect caps" except that they only come in small pFd, to 1,000pFd. (Of course in a gitar amp, perfection may not be the goal.)
As you go to 0.01 and 0.1mFd, the good glassy ceramic makes huge caps, so they use exotic compounds doped with loose molecules to increase the capacitance/size. These may be fine bypass caps, and in RF work the small size (low inductance) may be just as important as a high (but wiggly) capacitance. But 0.01uFd ceramic is one of the few caps that I can hear (most caps are all the same to me).
I don't know if old is different from new. I thought once they found a recipe that was useful, they gave it a code-number and stayed with it. (While the code strictly specifies tolerance and variation bands, I'm pretty sure they find a recipe first and then draw the specs around what the recipe gives.) Of course cap geeks must be constantly tweeking the fudge, and low-bid factories may mix the goo a little carelessly.
But I note that you seem to have replaced Z5U(?) with Y5P. This is like baking Chicken Cordon Blue with duck or pigeon... it's gonna taste different.
I can hear Z5U, but it is not necessarily offensive. It may be part of the BandBlaster tone. Try the original ceramic, not another very-different thing that happens to be ceramic technology.