I realized it would be pretty easy for me adjust one of the already great sounding amp projects I have still sitting wide open, just to see what its 6v6 output stage would sound like in Class A. It’s preamp stage is external still, so i didn’t have to worry about fixing the B+ stages too much. I ignored the 6SN7 cathodyne PI voltages for this.
The original Class AB design calls for 325V at the plates and a 319R cathode resistor that connects to both tubes. When setting a perfect 325V on the plates with an adjustable supply, the cathodes measure 20V. According to this tube bias calculator below, this sets a 64.3% dissipation, 29.7mA current per tube, and 9 watts per tube plate.
After trying out various power resistors and plate rail voltages, I was able to dial in a Class A setup.. 260V at the plates, a 77R cathode resistor that connects to both tube cathodes, and a 9.32V at the cathodes. The calculator says this is 102.1% dissipation, 57.2mA per tube plate, and 14.3 watts per tube plate. That’s some hot business for a 6v6 but i wanted to hear the 100%. My power supply was showing a constant nearly 150mA pull, probably 20mA coming from the 6SN7.
I had a 200uF cap on the cathode through both of these configurations.
I only had maybe 2 minutes to actually play through the amp in Class A before work which is a bummer. But it sounded pretty amazing. Has that hot punchy tube energy, highly energized and I want to say it had a smoother and perhaps darker top end and a rather different character from quiet to loud. Not to mention the 6v6’s were giving off that smell of a light bulb. They weren’t red plating, just very toasty.
But after combing through the same data sheets so many times, it’s confusing to understand total Watts output of an amp. From other tube datasheets because the 6v6 datasheets don’t give examples of PP Class A setups, and also from the contents of this thread, i was expecting that i had to lower my expectations of total amp volume when in Push Pull Class A. But this is not at all how it felt in person. If anything i would say the PP Class A config is a bit louder than the Class AB config. And these bias calculator results tell the same story… more Watts per tube. So.. louder amp?
To be honest my head is spinning from a long day so maybe I’m missing something obvious. Is a Class A push pull supposed to be louder than AB or quieter than AB? I really don’t mind either way, the goal is tone not volume.