Those Shadow switches are "self-cleaning" but only if they are used frequently. Once they tarnish they are tough to clean.
The trick to cleaning is that you want to get the cleaner at the contacts and not the plunger channel because the lube there gets diluted and cleaned also.
I use the syringe, I get SC needles for diabetics at the drugstore, shoot a cleaner only in small amounts towards the back, and excersise the switch listening for improvement. Repeat until improvement, then apply a small amount of ProGold with a different syringe as a conditioner/lube. A little on the plunger as well. Have to be careful if the needle!! I don't really like the tech needles. IM needles are larger and longer if you know anyone who gives themselves vitamin shots.
This works for a few cycles, and then the switches need to be replaced. Most commercial situations that require total operation go for replacements. I deal directly with in Spain. Quite easy to deal with in quantity. I stopped using the UK distributor because when they weren't closed for a bank holiday they were out to lunch or gone after 3. Totally not interested in selling switches in my experience!