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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
Well, I have been having some issues and I will be getting a colonoscopy done next week. Really hoping it's not the big "C"...

Anyway, have a lot of you guys gotten this done? For prep, I will have to drink this chalky stuff that cleans you out. I have heard there is some nicer stuff out there that goes down easier...
I haven't been down that road yet.  'squirm'.....good luck.  Hope it's simply routine. 
I've had several friends get one and everybody says the same thing; they went to sleep, they woke up, and that's it.  No big deal. 

I did have one friend tell me that when they say to be near a bathroom when you drink that stuff, they should really be saying "be IN a bathroom when you drink that stuff".  :)

Good luck!
This is probably more than anyone want to know, but I have to get one every year.  It really is no big deal at all.  The prep is by far the worst part.  Plan on staying home for the day.  Follow your doctor's instructions rather than trying other things.  They all do it differently, but it's all somewhat gross going down.  The hardest part for me is that there is about a half gallon of Gatorade to be drunk over the course of the day.  That is just about impossible for any regular person.

The procedure itself is absolutely no big deal.  Depending upon what they use to put you under, you can actually wake up feeling really good and rested.  Then go out for a huge breakfast!
My (older) brother, the one still alive recently got scoped. They found and trimmed off a few polyps.

Good luck, if they find blood in your stool, you definitely need to get to the source. Gut cancer is not nice. My other brother and one cousin died from it.

Precancerous polyps can be cut and cauterized during the scope.

Colon cancer is one of the few easily preventable cancers.  Getting a colonoscopy is a good thing.  As John mentioned, polyps (that could eventually turn into cancerous tumors) can be cut out.
Luckily, colon cancer is a slow growing cancer and very treatable if caught early.  My father was near stage 4.  Surgery, Chemo and Five years later he's alive and in good health today.
I've had several over the years, as I have an ongoing condition - ulcerative colitis. Really, the procedure is nothing to worry about. And, as others have said, the worst part is the prep. It is now, however, a LOT easier than it was twenty years ago. Much less fluid to consume, and it is a lot more palettable. Lol, the best stuff is called "Go-Lightly". The hardest part for me is the fasting. Hey, you might even lose some weight.
Good luck, and don't worry. 
In the army we used to use C-ration desserts to modulate speed through the lower alimentary canal. IIRC the pound cake was to slow things down, and fruit cake to speed thing up...

Good luck, be well...

I know people who have had one. Yup have to drink that stuff that is chalky and not eat for like 24 hours. Yup it cleans you out. As far as the procedure itself, Just try and relax
We have brave guys in this forum.

Riggler, all the best to you mate.

Please keep us informed of the outcome.

Yep - another 'one year max' schedule guy here - the procedure is straight forward.

I've always liked being 'put under' - once so, they could probe just about anything and you'd be none the wiser!

After the first couple of times, the jokes start coming thick and fast :)

Hope you fare OK with the post results - unfortunately, for me, that was the life changing part.
The C is not the only thing that can go wrong.

Suffice to say I no longer work the big engineering jobs that I once did.

But hey, I'm still here, so that's a bonus. It's also why I do so much DIY these days - therapy :)

Once again, this community feels to me even more understanding of things that are a big part of my life. :)

This is my day job.
Sedate, prep, or recover patients from this and other Endo procedures.
It's a piece of cake :)
You'll either get the Michael Jackson Propofol, or a combo of demerol/fentanyl and versed.

If you like being high, the combo is the way to go :)
If you need to get stuff done later in the day, propofol.
It'll be Dr. preference.  The young guns like their patients out (prop).
The wise old guard likes moderate sedation (still will likely knock you out).

It's ok to have polyps, as long as they can be removed.  (Even if not removable, you stand fantastic odds of cancer elimination).

Pm if you have any questions and no resources.  I'd be happy to correspond :)

A friend had it done a month ago. Yes, prep is fasting drinking and pooping, distressing.

She had it done a decade ago and they knocked her out cold and released her real groggy.

This time it was light sedation, fully conscious. Another friend said they would let her watch and she said "Yuk!" In fact, she watched and enjoyed it. Got out chipper, hungry an hour later.

Everything fine for her. Hope yours goes as well.
Something I do every 2 years.

My doc chooses sedation that puts me under but is not a general anaesthetic. Prick, sleep, wake up 45mins later.

My brother has his done in the doctors rooms with no sedation. Whew....

The prep is crap, take the day before off, drink lots of clear soup and read the REP issues posted earlier this week.

Sounds a bit gross, but I asked for pics of my colon, very interesting!

Good luck.

I've had two, and one coming up next year.  No big deal.  The prep is the worst part.
The most "fun" is after the procedure, in a large room, beds separated by those thin drapes from the ceiling, and everyone is farting.
riggler said:
Well, I have been having some issues and I will be getting a colonoscopy done next week. Really hoping it's not the big "C"...

Anyway, have a lot of you guys gotten this done? For prep, I will have to drink this chalky stuff that cleans you out. I have heard there is some nicer stuff out there that goes down easier...

Ugh, I suppose I should join the chorus. Going for the consult in about ten days, then the procedure as soon as they can schedule it. Welcome to middle age.


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