Other than the few links that have been provided, I don't believe you are going to find a lot of well organized "book-like" content on this subject. I know of no Art of Compressor Design by Smashwitz and Bump.
PRR's summary should be put in a META. That's the gist of the problem. The ways to implement a compressor are manifold. You've got feed-forward vs. feedback topologies, side chain design (which gets really interesting for stereo), application of gain control (opto, VCA, FET, vari-mu, etc.), makeup gain amp design, and more. It's more than a book...a trilogy at least.
That being said, there is a lot of practical and semi-organized information on this forum. The giant LA-2a thread in the Lab has tons of golden nuggets buried in it. There have also been some great threads on the VCA based SSL buss compressor (and various cousins of that beast like Gyraf's and some really good stuff from SSLTech, too).
Roger Foote and Wayne K have started some great threads about using THAT chips for compressors. There's one thread in particular (I believe it was in the Drawing Board forum) that was a great discussion of various summing methods for stereo compression. Then there's the 1176 discussions if you're curious about FET based designs. If you're into tube stuff there are several vari-mu designs (from PRR's elegant and simple one to Analag's massive and impressive effort).
Finally there are many threads which cover some of the less well known, but still interesting designs of the past (Gates Sta-Level and the like).
So do some searching here and you will find some of the best analysis, design, and implementation information in the world on this topic. And that, my friend, is a gift horse of massive proportions.
<edit--addendum> Actually, there is the (late) Dave Jahnsen's book on the LA-2a. I've never seen it personally, but I believe it may have a few errors.