Greetings and Salutations! I wise person once said:
"Music washes away the dust of everyday life"
While the above statement is of a subjective type, the subject of music does not necessarily need to only be discussed in subjective terms... Lets take an objective look at what music is. When music is stripped of its aesthetic packaging, we are essentially dealing with waves... sound waves to be exact. Lets take a look at the quantum duality of nature to see if we can find a relationship between music and the creation of the universe. Lets reevaluate and add to our repertoire of how we perceive music and help us understand why music is so effective at influencing our perception of reality..
According to the concept of universal wavefunction, introduced by Hugh Everett, the wavefunction of the universe is the wavefunction or quantum state of the entire universe... regarded as the basic physical entity in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.. James Hartle & Stephen Hawkins further investigated Everetts work and expanded the theory to include the very idea of a wave which can help explain the initial conditions of the "Big Bang" cosmology... According to the Hartle–Hawking proposal, the universe has no origin as we would understand it: before the Big Bang, which happened about 13.8 billion years ago, the universe was a singularity in both space and time. Hartle and Hawking suggest that if we could travel backwards in time towards the beginning of the universe, we would note that quite near what might have been the beginning, time gives way to space so that there is only space and no time. More precisely, the Hartle-Hawking state is a hypothetical vector in the Hilbert Space of a theory of quantum gravity that describes the wave function of the universe.
It is a functional of the metric tensor defined at a (D − 1)-dimensional compact surface, the universe, where D is the spacetime dimension. The precise form of the Hartle–Hawking state is the path integral over all D-dimensional geometries that have the required induced metric on their boundary. According to the theory, time, as it is currently observed, diverged from a three-state dimension after the universe was in the age of the Planck-time.
Such a wave function of the universe can be shown to satisfy, approximately, the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation.
While the Hartle-Hawking state and sound waves are not directly related, they both involve waves. The Hartle-Hawking state is a hypothetical vector in the Hilbert space of a theory of quantum gravity that describes the wave function of the universe. If we could have been present at the time of the Big Bang, it is difficult to say what it would have sounded like. However, physicist John G. Cramer from the University of Washington created a recording of the sound of the Big Bang by converting the energy frequencies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from ESA's Planck space telescope into audible sound. The recording represents the sound from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang until about 760,000 years after the Big Bang. The sound is a deep hum that is inaudible to the human ear.
So perhaps the music we make, and enjoy.. all the sounds we make and hear... is veritably best purported as overtones of the wavefunction of the sound/song at ground zero of the creation of everything... linking us to the divine creation of the cosmos. ***while i do personally enjoy such contemplations, it is an idealization, formalistically perhaps a convenient idealization, but an idealization, nonetheless, which only acknowledges correlations that make physical sense. Causal closure (mental causation), psychophysical parallelism, epiphenomenalism.. was it the chicken before the egg? or the eq before or after the compressor? was i attempting (and failing lol) to sound intelligent by suggesting all music is just part of an overtone series which has a fundamental note of the 'Big Bang'? or is this a rough draft for a replacement of the industry standard Lorem ipsum? who cares.... truth is, im just here because i love everything about "music" including the crafting of devices of the audiomusicalogical nature. About me: well weird and nonsense come to mind.... in closing: be kind, rewind, just say no, and just do it. (all with kindness and humility and respect)
yee haw, oh ya!
MrLQuaD aka russliquid
•Captain of the Yogurt Offensive Squirrel Recovery Unit chapter 1134
"Music washes away the dust of everyday life"
While the above statement is of a subjective type, the subject of music does not necessarily need to only be discussed in subjective terms... Lets take an objective look at what music is. When music is stripped of its aesthetic packaging, we are essentially dealing with waves... sound waves to be exact. Lets take a look at the quantum duality of nature to see if we can find a relationship between music and the creation of the universe. Lets reevaluate and add to our repertoire of how we perceive music and help us understand why music is so effective at influencing our perception of reality..
According to the concept of universal wavefunction, introduced by Hugh Everett, the wavefunction of the universe is the wavefunction or quantum state of the entire universe... regarded as the basic physical entity in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.. James Hartle & Stephen Hawkins further investigated Everetts work and expanded the theory to include the very idea of a wave which can help explain the initial conditions of the "Big Bang" cosmology... According to the Hartle–Hawking proposal, the universe has no origin as we would understand it: before the Big Bang, which happened about 13.8 billion years ago, the universe was a singularity in both space and time. Hartle and Hawking suggest that if we could travel backwards in time towards the beginning of the universe, we would note that quite near what might have been the beginning, time gives way to space so that there is only space and no time. More precisely, the Hartle-Hawking state is a hypothetical vector in the Hilbert Space of a theory of quantum gravity that describes the wave function of the universe.
It is a functional of the metric tensor defined at a (D − 1)-dimensional compact surface, the universe, where D is the spacetime dimension. The precise form of the Hartle–Hawking state is the path integral over all D-dimensional geometries that have the required induced metric on their boundary. According to the theory, time, as it is currently observed, diverged from a three-state dimension after the universe was in the age of the Planck-time.
Such a wave function of the universe can be shown to satisfy, approximately, the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation.
While the Hartle-Hawking state and sound waves are not directly related, they both involve waves. The Hartle-Hawking state is a hypothetical vector in the Hilbert space of a theory of quantum gravity that describes the wave function of the universe. If we could have been present at the time of the Big Bang, it is difficult to say what it would have sounded like. However, physicist John G. Cramer from the University of Washington created a recording of the sound of the Big Bang by converting the energy frequencies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from ESA's Planck space telescope into audible sound. The recording represents the sound from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang until about 760,000 years after the Big Bang. The sound is a deep hum that is inaudible to the human ear.
So perhaps the music we make, and enjoy.. all the sounds we make and hear... is veritably best purported as overtones of the wavefunction of the sound/song at ground zero of the creation of everything... linking us to the divine creation of the cosmos. ***while i do personally enjoy such contemplations, it is an idealization, formalistically perhaps a convenient idealization, but an idealization, nonetheless, which only acknowledges correlations that make physical sense. Causal closure (mental causation), psychophysical parallelism, epiphenomenalism.. was it the chicken before the egg? or the eq before or after the compressor? was i attempting (and failing lol) to sound intelligent by suggesting all music is just part of an overtone series which has a fundamental note of the 'Big Bang'? or is this a rough draft for a replacement of the industry standard Lorem ipsum? who cares.... truth is, im just here because i love everything about "music" including the crafting of devices of the audiomusicalogical nature. About me: well weird and nonsense come to mind.... in closing: be kind, rewind, just say no, and just do it. (all with kindness and humility and respect)

yee haw, oh ya!
MrLQuaD aka russliquid
•Captain of the Yogurt Offensive Squirrel Recovery Unit chapter 1134