"Converting" M-Audio Delta 1010 breakout box to ADAT

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Jan 15, 2022
I got a Delta 1010 I/O box with no card at the thrift store for basically free, my first plan was to strip it for parts but now that i have it apart i'm starting to think that it should be easy enough to just convert to an ADAT I/O box.
Problem: i know little to nothing about working with digital audio electronics in practice, so i'm looking for a little guidance.
The way the box is built is as follows:
-Mainboard with PSU, MIDI, data interface, W/C I/O and DAC section
-Daughterboard sandwiched on top with ADC section

The way the board is sectioned up it seems to me that it should be easy enough to literally saw off the DAC/Power portion, keeping that, and adding a new board, using CoolAudio V1401/1402 chips. On paper, i think it would be as easy as tracing back the digital I/O pins from the AD/DA section and simply hook them up to the 140x, and adding a clock since i assume the 1010 system originally relies on the PC card or an external clock, could it really be that simple? Or am i missing something? I would also like to retain the external W/C I/O, could i simply add a switch to change between an internal clock and the BNC contacts? Or is it more complicated than that? The A/D section uses AKM AK5383VS converters and the D/As are AK4393VF. Could someone explain to me what MCLK and BICK are? Do all of these need separate clock signals at their respective frequencies or is this handled internally?
Here are some photos of the boards in question:

As a long-time owner of a Delta 1010, I can tell you that you should count on every single one of those level switches needing replaced.
As a long-time owner of a Delta 1010, I can tell you that you should count on every single one of those level switches needing replaced.
Thanks, i'll keep that in mind :D Other than that, would you say that the thing is decent enough quality to be worth shoehorning this project into?
Thanks, i'll keep that in mind :D Other than that, would you say that the thing is decent enough quality to be worth shoehorning this project into?
The converters were good sounding for their time. It's been nearly 5 years since mine was functional, so my memory of its sound is a little hazy. I can say that it seemed to have been sounding worse and worse over time, and those switches gave me alot of trouble. But I also made many very good recordings with it, but most of those recordings were 20+ years ago. I don't think that device ages well, unfortunately.

As far as the proposed project, my first question would be how to deal with clocking. Originally, it was able to clock from either its internal clock or external word clock. This was selected in the driver panel. So, I'm not sure how you would make the selection without the original host card to communicate with it. The default setting was internal, so maybe you'd be safe to assume it would stay that way.

Another thing, the unit is turned on/off by commands from the host card as well, so you'll need to figure out a way to replicate that. There is also an internal DSP mixer for zero latency monitor mixes - also controlled from the host card and control panel software. There are many potential complications here. But I think that DSP all lived in the host card, so it's likely the box is just the A/D/A, so maybe that isn't such a problem.
The box is indeed almost exclusively converters with no real intelligence, i think all of that, including the clocking was handled on the PC card, the section of the board leading to the host connector is almost completely barren bar a couple multiplexers, power is turned on by a relay that's wired directly to one of the pins on the DB connector. As such i think that it should theoretically be possible to basically replace that portion of the board entirely including onboard clocking. I would assume that the converters are already set up in such a way that i wouldn't even need to lift any pins or add any additional passives/connections to alter the configuration of the converters, but that's based on pure hopeful speculation
My plan is to basically cut the board there, those traces are *all* the interfacing between the two halves of the board, and ideally just build a dautghterboard that connects to it with a ribbon cable, ideally.


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I could never get mine to sound decent, as the converters seemed to need a REALLY hot signal to achieve -16DBFS average which meant everything they recorded ended up very noisy. That plus half of the switches on the back stopped working like 10 years ago. I have since moved to mini silent PC's, so lost access to the PCI slot, so the whole thing ended up in the garbage.

I ended up moving to a Focusrite Scarlett running over USB-C, and haven't looked back since.

Not to discourage any project, but the quality of ADC has come quite a way forward over the last 20 years.
I could never get mine to sound decent, as the converters seemed to need a REALLY hot signal to achieve -16DBFS average which meant everything they recorded ended up very noisy.
Yeah, I almost always had the switches in the "-10db" position, even using +4 equipment
I don't know if this will help you :) I used a 1010lt extensively back in the day, which has only 2 preamps, 6 line and 2 digital. no box. If the audio is similar, it works.. not much more than that. The sound (even from the line inputs) has a little harsh edge to it, sometimes preferable to a Tascam that is muffled, but in any case clearly second to a mr18 or a NI kontrol 1 that I use today. That said, some good tracks were recorded with that 1010-no-box, even some national chart-toppers and hits in Argentina. I used a more or less decent Neve clone, a Mackie, a damn Behringer (it's a bit better than M-audio's own preamps, which I also used with phantom ext). In fact, the best recordings were made on the days when we forgot about the hardware. Or maybe it was that on the days when there was good music we forgot about the hard stuff; but it's easier to forget it when it works well and sounds good. What do I know? If it's for the music, I wouldn't do it. Try to drink a "mate", maybe. But if you have the ability, and you enjoy it... It's healthy and doesn't harm anyone, which is a lot these days. Greetings.
CoolAudio V1401/1402 chips don't generate or need (send) MLCK (master/system clock) or BLCK (bit clock) signal at all so you are out of luck as the A/D and D/A converters need those. It would be possible to reverse engineer the pinout of the connector and build an external controller using for an example Raspberry Pi Pico to generate the needed clocks and convert the data and clocks to match V1401/1402 formats which lack I2S for an example. Considering the time and money needed it's not worth even thinking about it.
If you could find the PCI card (with Envy24 chipset) and a PCIe to PCI bridge card with a PCI slot and there were the drivers available (guess Linux at least support that M-Audio still) then it would be possible to use it with some Linux DAW like Studio One, Reaper, Bitwig or Tracktion Waveform.
CoolAudio V1401/1402 chips don't generate or need (send) MLCK (master/system clock) or BLCK (bit clock) signal at all so you are out of luck as the A/D and D/A converters need those.

Well, technically the V1402 does, if/when it has a valid digital stream coming into the optical input.

Pin 7 SVCO - Master mode: DVCO-derived clock (normal 12.288 MHz, 256*Fs)
Pin 9 BCLK - Bit-clock output (normal 3.072 MHz, 64*Fs)

https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download/documents/coolaudio/docs/COOLAUDIO_V1402_DATASHEET.pdf (page 5)

Now, whether those are suitable for the converter chips inside the Delta 1010 box, that remains to be investigated by the OP.
Well, technically the V1402 does, if/when it has a valid digital stream coming into the optical input.

Pin 7 SVCO - Master mode: DVCO-derived clock (normal 12.288 MHz, 256*Fs)
Pin 9 BCLK - Bit-clock output (normal 3.072 MHz, 64*Fs)

https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download/documents/coolaudio/docs/COOLAUDIO_V1402_DATASHEET.pdf (page 5)

Now, whether those are suitable for the converter chips inside the Delta 1010 box, that remains to be investigated by the OP.
Haa, that's correct, I have somehow missed that even though read that datasheet many times. So it wouldn't be that difficult to use those clock for clocking some converters though for the I2S the data output needs to be delayed and the clock phases checked against I2S specs.

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