Dangers of AI

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When you go into the States they ask for details of any social media accounts , its not beyond the bounds of reality that an A.I. chatbot scans the entire content of your posts and private messages and flags up any keywords to the the border attendant , he see's what he wants to see from there , but ultimately he wont say precisely why because it reveals the slight of hand cards he holds against you ,
Any smart answers or akward questions about the nature of his enquirey and he might decide to tag you on the system ,

The real crux of the matter is when law enforcement gets intel on bad stuff about to happen , they have to make a call , act on it and prevent it from happening or turn a blind eye and use the situation to their own advantage , its called collusion , long long before the internet it was a factor in violence on both sides of the border in this country .

From the first article quoted above ,
“The creation of a new Independent Examiner of Security Legislation is a welcome and necessary development. For too long there has been a gap in oversight over anything done in the name of national security. However, the Bill creates exceptions which mean Gardaí can avoid scrutiny for anything that might affect “international intelligence sources” or “the identity of a person”. We consider these exceptions far too broad and believe they should be removed.”

Theres an old pisheóg that says it was the CIA who trained the cops in survaillence that eventually blew the lid on Nixon/Watergate , you can end up scoring a spectacular own goal is the lesson learned there , we'd like to think ;)
Oh, I don't doubt that they are collecting data like that. Echelon is decades old, isn't it? Just recently, a French publisher traveling to the UK got arrested for refusing to hand over the password to his phone. I hope the French are up in arms about that.

I just doubt that the cops have any real AI to go through the data... The CIA probably has. Over here, any info from US (and maybe UK) sources is looked upon as not really trustworthy, because of the chance it's disinformation, skewed or plainly wrong.

Some years ago, a DEA team was over here. Our police were at first very impressed. That is, until the DEA agents started talking about their methods. Like provocation, which is illegal over here. We've had a police detail going rogue since, resulting in lots of trouble. The main guy from that detail passed away, but one of his lieutenants was brought back from Thailand recently. They got so tangled up with gangsters that they went far over legal limits. It was a crazy period, way back then.
The house of the Oireachteas debate about use of biometrics and AI by the police wasnt televised , or even reported , instead it was bounced down the priority list by a spun news feed , by the finest media shit stirers money can buy , a diversionary tactic at best , nevermind ,it'll all come out in the wash .

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Maybe, but I’m not sure. Many times, it’s just simply seeing what we want to see and too focused on pushing agendas. Is that the two movie thing? For example, I noticed today RKF, jr. pushing that Tucker was fired for revealing, 5-days ago, how much power Big Pharma has over the media… Don’t you know? The answer is always Big Pharma. It wins every time! That’s all that is needed for AI input. Maybe we are the bots on input overload. 😮 🤖
More of the story about the Tucker Carson firing has leaked out. Apparently in the course of the $787M Dominion Lawsuit (discovery) several of Carson's private emails were leaked with him saying very uncomplimentary things about fellow Fox employees and guests, he even said that he hated Trump (that should win him some support from media. :rolleyes:

More of the story about the Tucker Carson firing has leaked out. Apparently in the course of the $787M Dominion Lawsuit (discovery) several of Carson's private emails were leaked with him saying very uncomplimentary things about fellow Fox employees and guests, he even said that he hated Trump (that should win him some support from media. :rolleyes:

Surprise, surprise… He’s been laughing his way all the way to bank all these years. Takes a special person to do such things day-in/day-out, year-after-year. That guy is not me.
Surprise, surprise… He’s been laughing his way all the way to bank all these years. Takes a special person to do such things day-in/day-out, year-after-year. That guy is not me.
I will gladly criticize him for hypocrisy, but I see nothing wrong with his being successful, when did that become evil?

I will gladly criticize him for hypocrisy, but I see nothing wrong with his being successful, when did that become evil?

I didn’t imply that him being successful is evil. However, like a lot of media talking-heads giving 24-hour “news” opinion (or any other loudmouth spewing expertly on absolutely everything, on a YouTube channel or otherwise), it’s really just about saying whatever it takes to make you popular with an audience, which in-turn, is just about making that money. I just don’t have it in me.
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Yesterday saw a series of raids by the Gardai
there now investigating the people who's job it was to investigate them ,
Its a joke , an affront to justice and anyone with a brain can see right through it ,

The usual situation here as far as private security cameras in shops and other public places is that if a crime is reported the local police Superintendent has to request the footage from the premisis manager ,
If it turns out theres an allegation of police missconduct caught on private cctv the footage wont ever see the light of day , it vanishes into thin air , I know of several cases of alledged police brutality where this happened .

Again the Irish police have no right in law to use covert drone surveilance on the public , that doesnt stop them using it on the quiet though , ultimately they dont even need to admit to its use in court ,its there secret weapon ,
I know people it happened to , they were walking down the street , next thing they spot a drone flying about , 5 seconds later a paddy wagon pulls around the corner and they get shaken down for contraband , the police found nothing in the end , but it raises very serious questions about the ways and means at the disposal of the Police .
The cops couldnt keep that genie locked up for ever , now theres public disquiet their pushing for a legal framework governing the use of biometric and AI tech , but it falls very far short in respect of accountabillity , in other words they get to use it as evidence if it suits them , if it doesnt it vansihes and never existed in the first place ,same game they've been playing forever.
What does the Tucker Carson case have to do with the misuse of A.I. ?
It seems the mere mention of certain three letter governmental agencies sends Americans
on both sides of the fence into divert mode , if you dont even feel free enough to question whats being done in the name of ,how free a society are you really ?

Heres quite an interesting video about so called smart phones/sim cards and how our governments can misuse them to gather info on dissent in the ranks , an electronic leash seems like a more appropriate term .

And Ed Snowdens take on it ,
Oh well ,
This morning Googles chief A.I. developer packed his trunk and said goodbye to the circus , he sites worries about misuse for political gain and expresses regret at the path life has taken him down .
Reading an article about fusion power generation efforts I read that they are planning to use chat GPT to assist in the design. How could that possibly go wrong? Surely they will check important work.

Reading an article about fusion power generation efforts I read that they are planning to use chat GPT to assist in the design. How could that possibly go wrong? Surely they will check important work.


Isn't there a youtube vid for diy fusion reactor yet? :cool:
Isn't there a youtube vid for diy fusion reactor yet? :cool:
The article was citing how a bunch of uber wealthy tech titans were investing into fusion power as if they knew something we don't. It just tells me they have too much money.

I hope they are right but fusion power (cold or otherwise) has been right around the corner for decades. Of course throwing $B at it might shake something loose but that is far from guaranteed.

IIRC, someone already did a DIY nuclear. Wasn't it some bright 16 year old?

I think we would've been a lot further if it wasn't for the manipulation from big corporations. I can remember Andrea Rossi being called a fraud until he finally agreed to sell out to a US corp. Suddenly, he was a rising star. Some of the negative press was pulled immediately when it happened.

Fukushima, Tsjernobyl and Three Mile Island are not over yet. So I don't applaud a DIY nuclear reactor. A fusion one is different, though.
I just saw an article talking about US and other major powers working to apply AI technology to warfare and weapons design. :rolleyes: How could that possibly go wrong...?🤔

I think there have been multiple plausible science fiction treatments of that. Unlike those cheesy old science fiction TV shows, the real futuristic military robots probably won't miss the majority of the time they shoot at soldiers.

I see less problems with AI than with nuclear power.

We have the proof nuclear goes wrong, sometimes with devastating results. And the new breeder reactors will halve the volume of some radioactive waste and cut half-life from thousands of years to mere centuries, but those are at least a decade away and don't essentially change the problem.

It's certain some miscreants will find some criminal use for AI, but that's true for any tech.

So either it doesn't work and is relatively harmless, or it does work and can be misused.

Fortunately, nuclear is so scary even crooks avoid it. Just idiot crooks are a problem. And there's no medicine for idiots.

When the first train ran through the countryside here, a lot of farmers feared their cows would stop producing milk. That really happened, but even cows adapt to new things.

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