DBX 160VU Capacitor Replacement

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Nov 24, 2014
Hey guys!

I'm swapping all the electrolytics in a DBX 160VU, one has failed and i figured while i'm at it i'll hit them all. Just wanted to see if anyone with experience here has any specific recommendations on which capacitors to use. I was just going to order whatever i can find that meets spec, but i'd love to hear from you all first.

fyi, these are the specs:

6 x 22uF 16V
2 x 470uF 25V
1 x 1uF 50V
1 x 100uF 25V
1 x 4.7uF 25V (bi-polar)
i use nichicon PW for all except the bipolar i use nichicon muse. great results with these and i've fixed many units using these parts.