haima said:
wow. spam. first time i've seen that here. i just sent a message to ethan to let him know.
Oh for God's sake...talking about cloning Scholz R&D Rockmodules isn't spam. Scholz closed SR&D 20 years ago and so ended those old rockmodules. Scholz still records his Boston albums with those old modules - and still uses his (4) dbx 160VUs, dbx 166, and dbx 263x de-ess on his albums.
Here an article from Sound on Sound, "The Engineers Who Changed Recording - Fathers Of Invention (Meek, Dowd, Putnam, Massenburg, and SCHOLZ): http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/oct04/articles/rocketscience.htm
Yes Clint - please start a SR&D Rockmodule Clone thread on the Drawing Board so we can continue discussion over there.