Well-known member
abechap024 said:Mark,
if you still have the board and VCA on your bench could I get some measurements on the VCA to tighten up the pin spacings?
Sure thing
Module size is the same as the RMS detector
Pin width
(PO to OUT) 2.55cm, same as 208 RMS detector.
V- to V+: 1.5cm
V- to No: 1.5cm
No to Out: .7cm
In to Gnd: 1cm (*Shield (COMP) is bent inwards and soldered to the case inside
but pin spacing would be .5cm if used)
Gnd to Px (P1): .5cm
Px to Nz (N1): .5cm
Nz to Po(SYM): .7cm
Also sent you the 160/161/162 service manual.