Deaths from climate change

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Another good news is China approving comissioning of the TMSR-LF1 test reactor, the only thorium reactor since American MSRE led by Alvin M. Weinberg in 60's.
Two APR-1400 reactors built by South Korea at Brarakh nuclear power station are already operating, other two will be online very soon. Passive safety is similar to Westinghouse AP1000 reactors, they learned this lesson from Fukushima.
Nuclear power industry needs examples like this.
I am hearing new discussion about legalizing fracking in Germany to extract local shale gas inexpensively to meet pressing energy needs. Reportedly there are significant reserves that could be released using modern technology. (This is an old topic and there are concerns about fracking destabilizing the ground leading to earthquakes that could damage (very) old buildings.
FWIW Israel has discovered NG under the Mediterranean and is now an energy exporter.

NEW YORK, April 3, 2008 ( – In a wide-ranging hour-long interview on PBS, CNN Founder and billionaire environmental extremist Ted Turner let the cat out of the bag on the real goal of climate change extremists – depopulation. Pro-life activists who have attended UN environment meetings where such issues were discussed have often been the subject of ridicule and derision for pointing out that the massive movement behind global warming, retooled to ‘climate change’, works hand in hand with the culture of death with the aim of depopulation.
However Turner and environmentalist extremists of his ilk employ cultish fear-mongering in order to promote their religious environmentalism. Speaking on what would happen if climate change were not addressed (i.e. population were not controlled), Turner told Rose, would be “catastrophic”.
He [Turner] prophesied an end to civilization, resorting to cannibalism for the few survivors, and more. He said: “We’ll be eight degrees hotter in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals. Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state—like Somalia or Sudan—and living conditions will be intolerable. The droughts will be so bad there’ll be no more corn growing. Not doing it is suicide. Just like dropping bombs on each other, nuclear weapons is suicide. We’ve got to stop doing the two suicidal things, which are hanging on to our nuclear weapons and after that we’ve got to stabilize the population.”

"He said: “We’ll be eight degrees hotter in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow."

Oh and that tin-foil hat conspiracy theory about spraying aerosols in the upper atmosphere? Biden recently signed appropriations legislation to dim the sun using upper atmosphere aerosols. Chem trailin' been goin' on for decades. Here's the White House's request for comment: Legal | OSTP | The White House

Tin foil hat my ass...
Back at you oh blindfolded ones...
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Back on topic "deaths from climate change".... Bjorn Lomborg has pointed out "intentional" misrepresntation by Lancet about deaths from climate warming.(Lomborg pointed out the error in statistical analysis to Lancet editors last Sept).

lancet link

lomborg link

Arm waving about heat deaths while ignoring the reduced cold deaths is disingenuous. The other elephant in the room is how much cheap energy helps us manage climate.

Shellenberger: Climate Fanatics Are Weaponizing Mental Illlness
"Climate protesters are triggering widespread anger and signs of violence," writes author and prominent critic of climate alarmism Michael Shellenberger. "And yet President Joe Biden, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, and other global elites are encouraging them, which is exceedingly dangerous and irresponsible."
As a case in point, Shellenberger has highlighted a particularly disturbing recent video showing a young woman cry and scream into a camera while claiming she was essentially forced to climb onto an overhead gantry above a major freeway outside London over 'climate change' due to oil and gas extraction. It's likely police or passersby may have initially thought she was suicidal. Police were soon forced to shut down the busy roadway over the safety issue, while emergency responders had to put on safety harnesses to clear the gantries.
European authorities are actively encouraging these dangerously pathological behaviors by refusing to properly enforce laws and deter such crimes. The reason is because they support the cause. As such, they are, to some extent, working together.

"As such, they are, to some extent, working together."
You mean like some sort of conspiracy?

And then there's this interesting chart in the article...


Doesn't fit the narrative. Oops.
Your graph appears to show that more people died from extreme temperatures in either of the last two decades than in the previous eight decades combined.

Edit - previous *ten* decades
Jeebus! "Extreme temps" could be cold too. And in comparison . .. But, hey . . .look out for landslides!
Your graph appears to show that more people died from extreme temperatures in either of the last two decades than in the previous eight decades combined.

Edit - previous *ten* decades
Normalize for population growth in the tropics and subtropics. Also, historical causes of death likely classified heat-related death some other way or simply didn't count heat-waves as natural disasters (because they aren't).

Humans have enjoyed a softer and more comfortable life thanks to technology. As a result, many if us are now less resilient than our not-very-distant ancestors. My grandparents farmed in the southern US and had no air conditioning. Same with generations before them. Heat didn't kill them, but now treatable disease and health-related disorders certainly did.
Indeed - it's easy to create a 'narrative' to fit the chart.

For example - efforts since the 1920s to mitigate deaths by flooding or drought appear to have been increasingly successful!

What's that they say about statistics?! 😄

In all seriousness, there was a flooding event here in NL which is considered to be the country's greatest single natural disaster / loss of life event I believe. It happened in 1953 and 1800ish people were killed. Since then, huge efforts were made to prevent such a tragedy happening again. And, so far, despite rising sea levels and a country which sits mostly below sea level, the efforts have been successful.
It is not just modern technology, but inexpensive energy that helps us adapt to weather/climate.

That climate is changing is an objective fact, the only disagreement is about how do we respond. The very aggressive strategy to quickly eliminate fossil fuel use will actually deny us the capability needed to successfully adapt to changes.

I can't read minds so I won't pretend to know what our leaders are actually thinking. At the climate meeting in Egypt John Kerry met with his Chinese counterpart, I guess to discuss all their new coal plants? If China wanted to make the west weaker economically and militarily, this anti-fossil fuel policy seems like a good strategy. They are not cutting their own use now.

Epstein calls the attacks on fossil fuel, anti-human because it negatively affects the poorest among us. When I was a child in school we learned about the dykes and sea walls of Holland used to reclaim land below sea level. Today they are probably teaching kids about the evils of fossil fuel, that in fact lifted so many out of poverty, and helps protect us all.

Was watching a special about Exxon and, among other topics discussed, it was interesting hearing the catch 22 regarding all the oil found in Guyana. A poor country with a perfect example of threats from climate change.
Was watching a special about Exxon and, among other topics discussed, it was interesting hearing the catch 22 regarding all the oil found in Guyana. A poor country with a perfect example of threats from climate change.
It should be obvious, but sadly the decision is conflicted by the mainstream perception that climate change is some huge existential threat. Poverty is the real threat.

COP27 in Egypt is trying to orchestrate a massive wealth transfer from western energy consumers to poor nations (like Guyana?). Of course this is nice, but not very practical or productive. Europe is struggling with the realities of not being energy self sufficient. We are now importing energy again. :(

China and India both have pulled hundreds of millions of their citizens out of poverty. In the US, more people are poor today than twenty or even ten years ago.

Another number going the wrong way. Just like life expectancy and some other numbers.

Could that be because denial is still the way to go?

See, I like good news. Only thing is, there is none for the USA. As the only country in the world, more and more mothers are dying while giving birth, people live shorter lives than their fathers and more people are poor today. But as soon as you try to get the message across, denial starts.
Just heard this on that woke commie NPR (transcript available) - food for thought (for me anyway.)

that was a little odd... and a reminder why I don't listen to NPR

China and India both have pulled hundreds of millions of their citizens out of poverty. In the US, more people are poor today than twenty or even ten years ago.
Another number going the wrong way. Just like life expectancy and some other numbers.
I am old enough that I notice LE dropping. :unsure:
Could that be because denial is still the way to go?
lots of that everywhere
See, I like good news. Only thing is, there is none for the USA. As the only country in the world, more and more mothers are dying while giving birth, people live shorter lives than their fathers and more people are poor today. But as soon as you try to get the message across, denial starts.
If america sucks so bad... why are millions still trying to come in illegally?

congrats on living in the EU where everything is perfect.

JR .

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