the climate change industry routinely projects outcomes multiple decades into the future.
There's no such thing as a "climate change industry". Whenever there is money to be had, parasites will appear. It doesn't matter if that money appears to try to make energy production greener, or to buy weapons.
There's also a boutade that if the US would spend all the money they spend for weapons on climate change, the problem would have been be solved already.
One third of the youth in the USA is pre-diabetes. At least half are overweight. Lead poisoning through drinking water is still around in the 21st century. Those are severe problems for the future, but they get largely ignored.
Diabetes is a very expensive disease because those who suffer from it, don't die fast and often develop related ailments. It doesn't matter if the cost goes to the social system, or if it goes to the individual. In the latter case, only the poor die for lack of treatment. Something the right doesn't seem to care about at all.
a classic math conundrum... if there are more people alive than dead, you can't prove (mathematically) that we will all die.
My point is that researchers are rewarded for projecting bad outcomes, but few if any are inspecting the harmful effects of excessive remedies to save mother earth.
On the contrary. Pharma research, for instance, is largely driven by positive outcomes. Nobody gets a grant to prove a drug doesn't work. Yet most new drugs get proven ineffective by research.
The main problem here is capitalism. Research should be neutral, but a positive result yields funding.
Recently, an AI systems used to find new drugs was reprogrammed to find poison. It yielded 30.000 deadly poisons in 24 hours. Finding one drug that works, could take the same system months.
Poverty kills, High energy prices cause poverty... QED (quod erat demonstratum)
Indeed. Fortunately, poverty has been slowly declining for over a century. The main driving factor is education. It seems education is failing in the US, so it's not a miracle the US is the only country in the world where maternity death has been slowly increasing for over a century. Is that something to be proud of?
PS: The administration has announced another program to release oil from the strategic reserve for next 6 months leading up to mid term elections. I do not understand the wisdom of releasing reserves built up for emergency use, I guess the mid term election is looking like an emergency. Why not release the domestic energy industry to do what they do?.
Why are you always absolutely negative?
Trying to stabilise energy prices is of bigger interest to the poor AND the middle class. I suppose you must be among the very rich who don't need to care about high energy prices? IIRC, you own stock in the oil industry?
Don't you think war is an emergency? Even if that war is in Ukraine?
I suppose to the right, war is just omnipresent and can't be avoided?
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