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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
A couple of posts I have made today seems to have completely disappeared. They were definitely there this morning but now they have gone. Has this happened to anyone else?


Haven't posted anything new, but I am finding that I have to sign in to my account every time - even with the "stay logged in Forever" option selected.  Prob some system updates going on.
ruffrecords said:
A couple of posts I have made today seems to have completely disappeared. They were definitely there this morning but now they have gone. Has this happened to anyone else?


Sorry about that Ian. I had to revert to a slightly older (<2hrs) backup of the database to chase an issue down.

The server migration that took place yesterday involved many core changes, including a completely different OS on the server...which came with some unanticipated bugs.  But along with the migration will come some long-term improvements, like backups every hour (previously it was once per day), speed, and more scaleable storage.

@mjrippe, the login issue I'm hoping to have resolved later today.

ruffrecords said:
Thanks Ethan. Fingers crossed!!
Is the 'new' OS Linux??
Not quite. I spent half a lifetime in *nix. I guess this is a sidestep. OSX.
I evaluated OSX a few years ago for server use and gave up on it, but the latest version seems to have fixed my previous gripes. What I really like is being able to use all of the OSX applications and Xcode server across the network. I now run a few other servers with OSX and being able to easily sync all machines for nuts and bolts stuff is pretty snazzy.
ruffrecords said:
Ethan said:
ruffrecords said:
Thanks Ethan. Fingers crossed!!
Is the 'new' OS Linux??
Not quite. I spent half a lifetime in *nix. I guess this is a sidestep. OSX.

Is not OSX itself based upon BSD Unix??


Yes, it's pretty bastardized from it's roots by now. Hence me saying, "sidestep". ;)
OK. I *think* I've gotten to the bottom of the login/logout issue.
If after clearing your cookies and relaunching your browser, if you're still getting logged out automatically, please let me know.
I get this when trying to make a quote,and I have the same issue as mjrippe (always have to log in even when set to "forever").Best,Udo.:
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.
kante1603 said:
I get this when trying to make a quote,and I have the same issue as mjrippe (always have to log in even when set to "forever").Best,Udo.:
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.
That should have been resolved (i hope) just a moment ago.
Please try clearing your browser's groupdiy cookie and reload and login. Thanks.
Ethan said:
kante1603 said:
I get this when trying to make a quote,and I have the same issue as mjrippe (always have to log in even when set to "forever").Best,Udo.:
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.
That should have been resolved (i hope) just a moment ago.
Please try clearing your browser's groupdiy cookie and reload and login. Thanks.
Testing too,cookies cleared and relaunched browser,Safari in my case,Let's see how it behaves.
Thank you for your efforts Ethan,

Haven't been able to check for logout lately from laptop.  Curiously, mobile iOS is not kicking me out like desktop was.
Thanks Ian. If the like button worked, I'd like your post.  ;)