I wanted to share this cool discovery. (Maybe others knew this already, but it's new to me.)
Over time, Ian and others of us have been discussing tube sockets, shields, PCB mounts, yada yada. Check this out.
You can easily slip one of THESE tube shield bases over a Belton PCB tube socket (VT9-PT) with plenty of pin clearance. I started going down the rabbit hole of the Belton PCB mount with shield already attached (VT9-PT-C), which is not really suitable for on-board mounting in this manner. This is a much better arrangement, IMHO.
Antique Electronic Supply is one place where you can buy them in the USA.
Belton VT9-PT
Extra Long Tube Shield
You will need an extra long tube shield as the socket sits higher in the base. A standard 2" tube shield is not tall enough.

Over time, Ian and others of us have been discussing tube sockets, shields, PCB mounts, yada yada. Check this out.
You can easily slip one of THESE tube shield bases over a Belton PCB tube socket (VT9-PT) with plenty of pin clearance. I started going down the rabbit hole of the Belton PCB mount with shield already attached (VT9-PT-C), which is not really suitable for on-board mounting in this manner. This is a much better arrangement, IMHO.
Antique Electronic Supply is one place where you can buy them in the USA.
Belton VT9-PT
Extra Long Tube Shield
You will need an extra long tube shield as the socket sits higher in the base. A standard 2" tube shield is not tall enough.

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