[quote author="RogerFoote"]Samuel
John, can you post a schem for that DIC DI?
I have built a DI for my basses using Bo Hansen's impedance converter, and I would like to compare a few other of the unexplored (well, unexplored for me) designs.[/quote]
OK, this is one I found in one of my old notebooks. I suspect the final values I ended up with were probably different. I loaded this into a schematic capture this morning and only put in values that were in my old notebook schematic. The schematic shows 4093s only because they were all I could find in the library. In my working DICs I probably used PF5103s which I had tons of matched pairs laying around from my phono preamp kits, or the 2SK117 even lower noise JFET I used in my later pre.
The caps were most likely .1uF polyester (green Mylars), and the design built into a 1/4" plug didn't use a gain pot but a fixed value resistor. Gain is simply R4/R1.
For the record this was not intended as an ultra pristine, uber-linear DI, just something simple and easy for tracking. I expect the FETs if overdriven to not sound too nasty but I never critically tested that.
The design criteria for this are several. For optimal noise and loading of the following mic preamp the R connected between the two drains should be more like 200 ohms than 2K. This will be in parallel with the mic preamps input termination so as drawn the effective R there is more like 1K.
The value of the R between the two sources should be selected based on expected p-p input voltage that you want to reproduce cleanly, to not exceed the bias current established by the source to ground resistors. In this case my choice of 38.3K to set operating current density was pretty arbitrary but must likely because that was a value I used in RIAA playback EQ so handy (this also suggests I used the PF5103 devices which were lower Idss than 2SK117s).
In general JFETs will give good noise performance when biased for 0 Vgs although for some very low noise FETs you won't be able to pull 2x Idss from phantom.
Note: if these FETS aren't matched there will be a DC offset at the output that might exceed Wayne's servo pull in range. For most cap coupled or transformer inputs it will be a non-issue. You could add another cap in series the resistor between the two sources to reduce this output offset but due to lower impedance there this would probably end up an electrolytic. If you add one there orient it to be properly biased.
This is probably a good simple circuit to mess around with (maybe even sim if you're so inclined). It's simple, but everything interacts so educational in that respect. For the record, for a bigger than 1/4" plug barrel, but arbitrarily clean DI just power a TL072 (or newer equivalent) from phantom and pad the output to mic level. I don't have a schematic handy for that, but the last one I designed over 15 years ago is still in production.
Have fun, and I make no warranty that this circuit as drawn will do anything. I don't even have one of the few I built to open up and look at. I remember making one for friends studio and another to be used on a Rhodes. YMMV.