Docs for Fabio's 1731 and 2520

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Active member
Dec 13, 2005

I have some opamp boards i received from Fabio Bauman some years ago.
I d like to built some of these now but cant find the schematics and part list.
The fabio's site is down as well as PeterC site who was supplying some infos on these projects.
I found some tips on the forum for debugging or improve them but without the original docs, everything is a little confused.

My boards are 1731rev1 and 2520BCr1.
If anybody have some docs, infos, tips... your welcome !

Thanks a lot !
I didnt find this thread. This will be helpfull for the 1731.
In the old time Fabio supplied a lot of this boards to the forum members so maybe this should be sticked in the Meta.

Anybody with docs for the 2520BC R1 is welcome.
You should use the Search  before posting.

Read the threads since there were mistakes in the Fabio's Melcors pcb.
Don't know about Fabios 2520, but these are really old projects and pcbs, at the time no other DIY solution was offered for these kind of discreet Opamps, people were getting there by reverse engineering and trial and error