> I cut it three times and it's still too short.
Are YOU the jerk who wired my house????
Seriously: two boxes four feet apart, I found joined with three scraps of wire "spliced" together, without solder or wire-nuts, laying on old dry wood.
> Litz wire has also been around for decades and decades
1920s, IIRC.
> I'm very suprised that there's a newish patent claim on it.
A) Not on Litz per se, but on some odd combination of Litz and solid. Maybe this is so non-obvious it was never thought of before. Maybe it was thought-of many times, and discarded for having no advantage.
B) The US patent office will sell papers on dang near anything today. They don't have the budget to inspect patent applications properly. They check that the fee is attached, check for grossly unpatentable claims, and issue the paper. Whether it is valid or not can be left to the courts, if and when someone cares to dispute it. Since the vast majority of patents are never put to practice or production, and even fewer are ever disputed, this makes good sense.
> http://www.webervst.com/gauge.htm - that calculator says I should be using 50' of #5 AWG for a 4 ohm load at 500W power. I haven't seen much 5 guage wire used with touring production companies.
That calculator is bogus, even for a company that sells wire. (But they do say it is limited to 20', so you should not tease it with 50'.)
The math they use is: 20-(sqrt(sqrt(power/resistance) * 6 * (length/6)))
BUT the power does not matter. Oh, it matters one way: 1,000W in 4Ω would melt #40, while 10W would not. But they clearly are not computing the melting current: from the answers it gives, and by the fact it depends on length which does not affect melting.
Dave's 1% rule is conservative for Hi-Fi. Damm the wasted power; we usually have plenty and anyway 1% loss is inaudible. The real limit, in Hi-Fi, is damping: should be over 10, over 40 is better. That leads to 10% or 2.5% copper loss, with 1% if you want to be very-very sure and can afford the price.
Way I see it: if I can get the amp and speakers in a better location, particularly audience coverage and bass loading, that trumps slightly less damping. Also if I work for cheap, I want a good-enuff answer, not an ideal answer (which of course tends to be infinitely fat wire). So I use 100 feet of #16/2, and don't fret the many-percent power "loss" and bass-bump.
And when you get to guitar amps: they (mostly) don't damp the speaker, certainly not any DF=40. So another ohm or two is not going to affect the tone or volume much.
Yes, once when I had $6,000 for amplifiers I threw in $130 for #14 wire. I didn't hear a big change from #16 or even #18 in 20'-80' runs, and it was awkward to route and didn't fit some (cheap) amp terminals. So there is over-kill, and there is "plenty good without losing all your hair and cash".
> well, for example, the green pre.
Flame-bait and audio-fools aside: stuff like preamps, use any convenient wire. Electrical issues suggest using somethng bigger than #40 or #35, but cost and mechanical strength "force" you to use #30, #24, something in there. Bigger wires are a pain to use in small-signal work. Plain ordinary hook-up wire. Radio Shack still sells a 3-pack of "hook-up wire"; it is a bit cheezy and the insulation stinks, but that is what I use when nothing else is handy. The LED wires from PCs are also good, if dead PCs accumulate in your workshop. CAT5 net-wire is great stuff if you can strip the tough plastic, and utterly free if you find someone doing any network wiring (to run 100 feet, they pull 120 feet and then trim the ends; lots of several-foot scraps each with 8 conductors).