This subject does make me think about what it is I'm doing, what I want out of my own personal project studio, and what my final goals are.
Naturally, my goal is to record my own compositions as listenable music. I can do this with Mackie, Behringer, and SP products. Or, I can spend some time, learn (in my case, re-learn) electronics, and build myself a better signal chain from the price of that cheap one I just described.
Since I currently have all the time in the world, it seems like a better way to go.
I have no junk box, so I'm starting from total scratch. This means no playing around on breadboards with different components and designs. For me, I need to start with something I know will work well. Cloning an 1176 or a Pultec is something I know will work well.
It may all become moot anyway, as I have no job, I'm rapidly getting further behind on my debt, and I am now a full-time college student. I fear I will never see the day the music in my head will finally be recorded in a good-sounding way, if at all.
Sorry for that rant, but in a way, I'm not sorry at all. Stories like this need to be told every once in a while.