Easy No0b question...

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Commander Fluffypants

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2013
Solid vs stranded...?

Been working on my 1176. Bought hook up wire. Some is solid, some stranded. Does it make a difference? Is it OK to mix them?

Seems that solid is easier to jam into tight spots like the meter board on the 1176. Lightly tinned stranded doesn't fit as easily and untinned stranded can get bunched up. Other that, what are the advantages/disadvantages of each? Any times when one MUST be used or avoided?

Yes, I searched.

both are ok,
solid will break easier if you bend it back and forth, but many guitar amps were build with single strand, Ampeg, Fender, and they are subject to vibration,

just try not to re-arrange the solid wire stuff a million times, find out were you want it, install it, and leave it there, maybe a tie wrap or some tape if it is a long piece,

the reason they use it is that it is faster to wire up a chassis with that stuff as you do not need to tin it before wrapping it around a tube socket pin or terminal strip, and pushing it thru a thru hole circuit board is easier ,

some people even say that solid wire sounds better than stranded but that is where i get off the bus,
For soldering both is ok.
I'd prefer stranded wire for internal wiring.

One important exception:
For every contact, where a bolt directly hits the wire (e.g. PCB Screw Terminals, or some Power Connectors)
you have to use solid wire, or stranded wire with a termination like this:  (sorry...I don't know the engilsh word for that ;-)


...markus :)

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