EL Panel

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
This topic has long since faded, but check this out:

"EL strips are thin and easy to cut and bend."

how'd they power it from two batteries? is that a little step up transformer on the pcb(similar to LA3)?.

i'm thinking that could simplify an la2 sidechain abit, maybe get rid of one of the tubes?
[quote author="toby"]"EL strips are thin and easy to cut and bend."[/quote]

Oh, I'm sure they are, but the question is will they work well once cut? I remember somebody here tried to cut EL panels, but they deteriorated once air got in there, or something...


I've used this guy for an LA-3-ish thing and it works pretty well. Just cut it down to length and seal the end with tape or silicon. I think this could be a possible sub for the the pricey LSI in the T4B.

The best T4 I own has Radio Shack LDR cells and an EL panel out of an alarm clock.
But, I do not know how long the panel will last. The alarm clock panel is only meant to be switched on a few minutes a day, so ....

On the other hand, a nite light burns 24/7.

Go into your nearest Rite Aid or Wallgreens and see if you can find a clock or nite light with a panel. Be warned, with the advent of blue LED's, the Chinese are finding the LED to be much more cost effective than a phophorous panel and inverter circuitry. In other words, clocks that once used the EL panel no longer have the panel even though they look the same as last years model. I found this out the hard way. Make sure it says EL on the package. I even found one nite light that had a replacement panel that you could send away for. Since the lite cost 7 bucks, the panel was probably half that. But when I went back to get the web site off the lite package, it was gone! Never to be seen again. I was so close to finding a cheap replacement. If you see something good, snag it. Don't wait. This goes for guitars, girls, cars, been burned so many times by hesitating.

I will keep looking.
Just wondering if this is the right alarm clock:

I think the good ol days of alarm clock el panels may be coming to a close. with the advent of the blue led, most companies are finding it much easier to put one of those in there because:

1) el panels are more expensive
2) you have to build a switcher to jack up the 1.5 volt battery
3) the switcher takes up space in that little plastic box

so the blue led does the same thing for 1/10 th hassle.
Thanks CJ. I found a stash of these EL ones at a local hardware shop. Just wondering if it was similar to the one you used for your "best T4".

You should have seen the look on my wife's face when I told her I was going to build a compressor out of it :shock:
Cool! There must be a lot of EL clocks still out there.
I can just see the look on the cashiers face when you say "But I wanted a vintage NOS alarm clock because they sound better".

If your careful, the worst you can do is spend $6.95 on a travel clock wiich bnow needs a flashlight to read.
They are the small white ones that come in the assortment pack.
I don't know why, but they rock. Quicker than ths stock cells but no distortion and more high end.
Don't ask me how or why. Give it a try. $1.79.
I don't get it. What makes that EL panel in the alarm clock better than one you can rip out of any EL nightlight, available at every supermarket and hardware store?
Cost. The alarm clocks are cheaper here by around half. Also the night lights sold here nominally run on 240V rather than 120. Plus CJ says they make the best T4s :wink: