Election Integrity

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2014
Crystal Lake, IL
Just curious how anyone could be concerned with issues revolving around 60 federal court cases that were dismissed by Trump appointed judges, after extreme "vetting", given the real information, real sound bites, and testimony from Republican party members. I'm not sure how unproven theories overrule documented cheating in the name of poor sportsmanship versus the will of the people. Let's post documentable information and have a real conversation so that, We The People, is/are able to maintain a democracy as our forefathers intended.
All stories are true, some actually happen.
Wow. Is this one true?

...or this one? Many more to come. I asked to have a real conversation with documentable sources and was replied to with a witty FB post on another social media echo chamber.


I can provide many sources showing efforts to "replace" the results of the will of the people because of poor losers....real story.

Non-citizen votes are not only virtually non-existent but also illustrate an attempt to win at all costs.
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Non-citizen votes are not only virtually non-existent
It's worth noting that Republican Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State from my fair state, testified yesterday that intense scrutiny found four instances of votes being cast for dead people in GA, not the thousands that Trump and Giuliani were claiming.
All four? Jesus. We've got to stop allowing people to hand out water at polling places in case they rehydrate back to life and vote against our will.
It's worth noting that Republican Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State from my fair state, testified yesterday that intense scrutiny found four instances of votes being cast for dead people in GA, not the thousands that Trump and Giuliani were claiming.

I'm willing to bet those four zombies voted republican.

You can use Heritage foundation's database.

Heritage foundation is a conservative think tank. Just for fun, I traced a dozen of the criminal convictions for serious voter fraud. Like paying homeless people 1$ and a package of cigarettes for their signature on a ballot. I was kind of surprised how often that happens. It seems organised and paid for by dubious organisations that never get convicted because they can always find enough unscrupulous poor people to take the blame.

All of these cases were conservative. I'd hoped to find at least one example of criminal progressive voter fraud, but alas. I think Trump was right when he saw voter fraud everywhere. Only, it was clearly to his advantage. I think he must have presumed the others doing the same, but it seems criminal voter fraud is far more rare on the democrat's side.
I'm not sure how unproven theories overrule documented cheating

IMHO the problem is not the sacks of shit promulgating the BS, but the stupidity of the suckers who believe it. As PT Barnum may have said, there's one (more now) born every minute.
And brown people with a driver's license for "trackability reasons" are the issues...

Dead people documentably vote more Republican than anything else.

Fake electors are who YOU stand with. Ad Hominem rules are only for those who chose to deny truth.

Edit: Let's play the whataboutism game. Pass is not an acceptable debate stance. This is directed to a plurality of members
Forgive me for making this bad political joke, but this partisan scrum that is just beginning to ramp up is already exhausting.

"The explanation for President Biden's air handshakes is that he is shaking hands with ghosts who voted for him. " :unsure:

I know, not funny to half the population, and breaking my own personal rules...

Forgive me for making this bad political joke, but this partisan scrum that is just beginning to ramp up is already exhausting.

"The explanation for President Biden's air handshakes is that he is shaking hands with ghosts who voted for him. " :unsure:

I know, not funny to half the population, and breaking my own personal rules...

Republicans love to be nasty. Democrats point out people who are nasty. Like I said, provide proof... Trump's aides are.

What about the USPS guy who swore he trucked a semi full of "gaylords" filled with PA absentee ballots from Bethpage NY, near me, to Lancaster PA? He went poof. Nothing to see there, folks.
And the 300,000 vote jump in Michigan at 3AM after various vehicles dumped boxes of ballots, no chain of custody?
Philly, where "authorized workers" were entering in the evening with suitcases and large bags?
And preventing evil republican poll watchers from entering polling sites? Multiple states doing that. COVID ya know.
Or the Michigan/Wisconsin districts that had over 100% turnout?
Raffenspurger and Kemp, they are just of most Republican politicians that hated Trump. I don't trust anything there. Very few pols wanted Trump re-elected as they all hated him.
The ballot trafficing? Wads of ballots dumped in boxes at night. Video from multiple states.
It goes on and on. And I won't even get into digital voting machine networks connected to THE NET?!?
"The most secure election in our history"? I think a total hideous joke.
My favorite is Ruby Freeman and her daughter, "Shea Moss" in Atlanta GA, HELLO Raffensjerker!!, caught ON FILM after the place was cleared due to a "water leak" pulling luggage and boxes of ballots from under a table, multiple scanning. . . No raw youtube footage anymore, just "fact checking" videos. Nothing to see here, folks! Honest people doing their jobs!
Forget any electronic Dominion shenanigans, a real digital scanning of physical absentee paper ballots nationwide would reveal fraud in ALL states. But they all certainly hate Trump so never gonna happen. Many, many poll watchers on the ground saw no creases in ballots, no signature verifications, etc. Hundreds of affidavits never investigated. Nothing to see, folks!
In my congressional district it took 2 weeks, two weeks?, to "fully count the votes" and it finally swung to Suozzi (D NY) against Gomez who was ahead on election evening.
Any investigations have been saaaaaalooooooooow-walked until the 22 month mark in September when they can destroy all evidence that has not already been. Multiple states have already purged digital data contrary to state and fed law.
cue the crickets (great Brook, Eno, Lanois track!)
Our election systems are a completely corrupt sieve, much like other areas of local, state, federal gubment, that was exploited even further because of the virus. There is no integrity.
We need to end "Election Month" and have a blockchain or similar system in place with minimal absentee provisions that tallys votes on the evening of Election Day. Not gonna happen, folks. Too much swamp power at stake on all levels.
But we have legal weed! Yay!
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The last election is over... so lets stick a fork in it... The bigger crime was our intelligence community fabricating a Russia Hoax, and on top of that suppressing Hunter Biden's laptop. Honest disclosure and reporting about the laptop and Biden's family business would have easily changed the election outcome. So let's not fixate on vote stealing (it always happens and is usually statistically insignificant).

That said we need to prepare for the integrity of the next time (fool me once yadda yadda). Congress is working on repealing-rewriting the "electoral count act" that is way past due for cleaning, so we don't invite any more such nonsense.


PS: When counting hundreds of millions of votes it can get sloppy. We do not need to make it any sloppier.
He has shaken hands with ghosts or whatever he thought was there more times since. Oh well at least we don’t have tweets from the mean one
Provide proof. I'm quite the broken record. I've debunked one. I've seen the Israel clip when he gestures towards the chairs they're about to sit in. It also seems as if no one on the right wants to provide any documentation or footnotes for "election fraud" with REPUTABLE sources. Silence is the only way not to appear "cuckoo". I was told to relax earlier. I would suggest saving that advice for people who do stupid things when the vote doesn't go their way. Silence is complicity.

I agree that it is a good thing for our country not to have vitriol continually spewed publicly and often more than daily by the its president.
Like so many vestiges of a constitution crippled by accommodation to (and created by) slave owners, the concept of each state having different voting rules, rights and infrastructures is absurd and chaotic, and clearly in opposition to more than one constitutional amendment. Voting should be Federally run and regulated like everywhere else in the civilized world, and progress made on the path to "one person one vote" and away from "we know better so by 'representing' the citizens we can keep all the money and power".
I support a Federal Voting Holidays Federal Voters Rights and voting participation mandates.
Being forced to sign a document that allows a volunteer with no training in graphology to decide if I can vote or go directly to prison for 5 years like we do in Florida is Kafka-esque / draconian.
Why was I even issued a voters registration card? It is completely useless.
Many are unaware the system in the USA was based on NOT allowing people to vote, easily illustrated in many ways such as the fact that U. S. Senators were appointed by the political power bosses until 1913, and we still suffer from the absurdity of Senate allocation being determined by state lines instead of population making an individuals representation by vote in, say, California equate to something like 1/300 of a vote in North Dakota (sound familiar, Electoral College?)
Until there is the political will to bring the good ideas in the Constitution (such as the vast majority of rights are un-enumerated) forward and eliminate the parts that give organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society any ground to stand on for the notion that interpretation is limited to the scope of the time in which it was created (where "cruel and unusual punishment" did not include things like being drawn and quartered or dragged to death) we will keep speeding down the greased slide to corporate and populist Totalitarianism.
Please, Democrats in Congress, get off your asses and pack the Supreme court to 25 members with term limits (like most other Federal Judicial bodies). There is precedent for this and it is doable, and with sorting of case flow as practiced in the Federal Court of Appeals allows for much more balanced rulings. Then Federal Voters Rights can be established with some confidence that a completely political Supreme court can not play three card Monte with it.
Like so many vestiges of a constitution crippled by accommodation to (and created by) slave owners, the concept of each state having different voting rules, rights and infrastructures is absurd and chaotic, and clearly in opposition to more than one constitutional amendment. Voting should be Federally run and regulated like everywhere else in the civilized world, and progress made on the path to "one person one vote" and away from "we know better so by 'representing' the citizens we can keep all the money and power".
I support a Federal Voting Holidays Federal Voters Rights and voting participation mandates.
Being forced to sign a document that allows a volunteer with no training in graphology to decide if I can vote or go directly to prison for 5 years like we do in Florida is Kafka-esque / draconian.
Why was I even issued a voters registration card? It is completely useless.
Many are unaware the system in the USA was based on NOT allowing people to vote, easily illustrated in many ways such as the fact that U. S. Senators were appointed by the political power bosses until 1913, and we still suffer from the absurdity of Senate allocation being determined by state lines instead of population making an individuals representation by vote in, say, California equate to something like 1/300 of a vote in North Dakota (sound familiar, Electoral College?)
Until there is the political will to bring the good ideas in the Constitution (such as the vast majority of rights are un-enumerated) forward and eliminate the parts that give organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society any ground to stand on for the notion that interpretation is limited to the scope of the time in which it was created (where "cruel and unusual punishment" did not include things like being drawn and quartered or dragged to death) we will keep speeding down the greased slide to corporate and populist Totalitarianism.
Please, Democrats in Congress, get off your asses and pack the Supreme court to 25 members with term limits (like most other Federal Judicial bodies). There is precedent for this and it is doable, and with sorting of case flow as practiced in the Federal Court of Appeals allows for much more balanced rulings. Then Federal Voters Rights can be established with some confidence that a completely political Supreme court can not play three card Monte with it.
Any student of history will see packing the court as a shortcut to despotism. Most recently Chavez in Venezuela used packing the court to neuter any vestiges of democratic rule from their legislature.. Not a road we should consider following.
