What about the USPS guy who swore he trucked a semi full of "gaylords" filled with PA absentee ballots from Bethpage NY, near me, to Lancaster PA? He went poof. Nothing to see there, folks.
And the 300,000 vote jump in Michigan at 3AM after various vehicles dumped boxes of ballots, no chain of custody?
Philly, where "authorized workers" were entering in the evening with suitcases and large bags?
And preventing evil republican poll watchers from entering polling sites? Multiple states doing that. COVID ya know.
Or the Michigan/Wisconsin districts that had over 100% turnout?
Raffenspurger and Kemp, they are just of most Republican politicians that hated Trump. I don't trust anything there. Very few pols wanted Trump re-elected as they all hated him.
The ballot trafficing? Wads of ballots dumped in boxes at night. Video from multiple states.
It goes on and on. And I won't even get into digital voting machine networks connected to THE NET?!?
"The most secure election in our history"? I think a total hideous joke.
My favorite is Ruby Freeman and her daughter, "Shea Moss" in Atlanta GA, HELLO Raffensjerker!!, caught ON FILM after the place was cleared due to a "water leak" pulling luggage and boxes of ballots from under a table, multiple scanning. . . No raw youtube footage anymore, just "fact checking" videos. Nothing to see here, folks! Honest people doing their jobs!
Forget any electronic Dominion shenanigans, a real digital scanning of physical absentee paper ballots nationwide would reveal fraud in ALL states. But they all certainly hate Trump so never gonna happen. Many, many poll watchers on the ground saw no creases in ballots, no signature verifications, etc. Hundreds of affidavits never investigated. Nothing to see, folks!
In my congressional district it took 2 weeks, two weeks?, to "fully count the votes" and it finally swung to Suozzi (D NY) against Gomez who was ahead on election evening.
Any investigations have been saaaaaalooooooooow-walked until the 22 month mark in September when they can destroy all evidence that has not already been. Multiple states have already purged digital data contrary to state and fed law.
cue the crickets (great Brook, Eno, Lanois track!)
Our election systems are a completely corrupt sieve, much like other areas of local, state, federal gubment, that was exploited even further because of the virus. There is no integrity.
We need to end "Election Month" and have a blockchain or similar system in place with minimal absentee provisions that tallys votes on the evening of Election Day. Not gonna happen, folks. Too much swamp power at stake on all levels.
But we have legal weed! Yay!