Electroluminescent Panel and ADL 1000 compressor

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Active member
Nov 6, 2009

Excuse me my wrong English.

Is my first time in this forum.

I Have read the optocompresor ADL 1000 Owner’s manual, and they don’t specificities if they has an electroluminescent panel as a light control source, as an authentically T4 module from LA-2A.

I saw the rear ADL 1000 or ADL 1500 photos and I don’t see any T4 module, (and in the LA-2A is easy to see, it’s big… )In really the module can be inside, but I don’t know if it’s possible inside the double ADL 1500…!.

1.- Anybody knows if the ADL compressors has an autenticaly electroluminescent panel, or the light source is LED. (I read, now I don’t remember where, there are T4 module modifications for replace the Electroluminescent Panel by Leds)

2.- Anybody knows if there are other optocompresors in the market with autenticaly Electroluminescent Panel light source. (Obviously besides the LA-2A).

Very thanks

Very thanks

I don’t understand why ADL 1000 / 1500 Owners Manual doesn’t specificity that. In UA LA-2A manual, you can read a good explanation, (pg ii ang pg 8), and ADL manual doesn’t explain nothing related with light control source.

Or…¿ Are there patent problems…? (I don’t know, it’s only a supposition).

Another thing:

¿Anyone know any internet place where there are photos of the ADL interior?, I have not found any photo…..


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