Well-known member
Hi everyone, I've been involved with the online DIY scene for a long time, but it has always been in the realm of guitar FX. I've built and designed alot of things in that world, but I've long wanted to branch out into studio equipment as well. Recording is my first love, so this feels long overdue! Nearly all my searches for research info have brought me here, so it looks like this is the place to be for the info and help I need for my intended projects. In addition to my personal projects, I work for West Virginia University and am in the midst of designing a new small project studio for the College of Creative Arts & Media, and I intend to pad out our limited budget by including a number of items that we will build for ourselves. With that in mind, I've become interested in the API 500 series format, and again, it looks like this is the best place to find the info I need. I look forward to learning and sharing my progress as I jump into this.