Powered up my dual 1084, and no smoke!
Hard bypass works, normal bypass passes signal, but is distorted, and normal operation doesn't work, no signal, no nothing.
This is happening on both boards, same case.
I also noticed that the gain (11 position), increases the gain up to around the 7th position where it cuts it right down.
I'm 8 hrs into trying to figure this out, and nothing...
I am using vintage LO1166A and Marinair input. Used the five fish board on input.
I removed the original resistor, cap and jumper wires off the LO1166A. Didn't know if they were required.
I've done countless projects, so I'm very confident in all my solder joints.
Any suggestions?
edit - Jim helped me resolve the issue. I had the pins 180 degree out of position on all pots! Everything works now and sounds wonderful! Thanks for the help and the great project