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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
I see Facebook have taken to the national press , page 5 of my usual Sunday rag is devoted to FB telling us how much our data security means to them and that we now have the abillity to control advertising and our exercise our data protection  rights if we wish.

Its about time Zucherface got his Pinnochio nose out of our butt crease ,I bet he knows what you had for breakfeast yesterday  ;D
Zuckerberg just spent a few days in washington trying to pimp his new crypto currency (which failed) and still inviting the government to regulate him... so small companies will have higher barriers to competition to climb.

The funniest question he was asked was whether he would fact check political lies...

They asked him that with a straight face.. in between their own spin (lies). ::) These people have zero self-awareness, but that seems like it may be an asset in politics.

Was that this hearing with the congressman showing off his string-of-single-digits password?
The sound clip I remember was with Maxine Waters but they all sing (spin) the same songs.

Zuckerberg is well intentioned wanting to bring banking to millions of unbanked poor people, BUT if Facebook offers an alternate currency to Billions of facebook members (2-3B), then the central bankers can't inflate (print) their way out of massive sovereign debt. Not gonna happen...


PS: The amusing thing about cameras in congress is we can see how ignorant so many politicians are. They are often lecturing industry heavyweights that have more brain power in their pinky finger, than they do.  It is generally not a fair fight, except that they spend several hours to badger the executive into giving up one 10 second sound bite.
I see Trudeau is the latest western leader to end up with a minority government on his hands , again you have to question the timing of his black clown video release , someone had that carefully archived for the right moment to inflict maximum damage on the Canadian premiere .

I think its time we woke up to the fact that Facebook is being used to  sow the seeds of division right inside our communities , we could argue all day about Mr Zucerburgs  intentions good ,bad or indifferent , the cold hard reality is were seeing its producing conditions in which civil wars are more likely to happen .


That list is out of date , and incomplete , as Ireland belongs on there  too , and Canada
and the list is rising by the minute .

In terms of Mr Z's currency idea , like any other currency ,if he can convince people to believe in it it could come into existance ,and there'd be little any single state or government could do about it . If his machine can alter the course of elections , its going to be able to make people believe in his crypto currency too .

Here in Ireland its a coalition between two major political parties , parties who traditionally were alternately in opposition  or in government . Now due to the abillity to be able to manipulate via social media in particular , the margins between the two political factions are constantly wavering back and forth  around the 50/50 mark ,  the result is neither of the two parties who share power are inclined to call an election ,and an ad-hoc arrangement continues way way beyond its sell by date ,the public gets a sense its interests are being ignored and society starts to decend into chaos . Lately the real time effects of this are being seen on the streets , with a huge increase in assaults in the city centre , mostly kids 14 15 16 ,beating the hell out of people and robbing them , then theres another older crowd  ,street drinkers  , The vast majority of older people I know now
strictly avoid city centre after around 9pm , its like a warzone FFS. 

There was a tiny village in the west of Ireland lately , population of the townland or parish around 600 people , they were expected to house 150 asylum seekers in a vacant hotel , virtually the whole town protested against  the sighting of the migrant centre there , they blockaded the workers trying to get on site , and effectively stopped the entire project ,
most of the saner people who got a chance to express their views to the news team  said they were prepared to accept refugees ,in a proportionate number to the population ,but also only if they are integrated and housed within the community .
In a way whats happening  is the old institutions of the state are being ramped back up again , people are being expected to try and raise their children in accomodation where someone fresh out of a war zone could just arrive at any time of the night or day 
I know a handfull of people in advocacy or worked in refugee centres and the peoples stories are horrendous , the even worse thing is cycles of abuse end up continuing here ,facilitated by a government quite happy to opperate a 'Twin Track' approach ,  18 euros a week if your an asylum seeker in Ireland , where someone with an entitlement to social welfare payments would get 200E in cash plus a sizeable chunk of their privately rented property  paid . The government say there building houses ,but demand already outstrips supply several fold and homelessness is escalating.

I do not blame Zukerberg for the rise of the cancel culture... Facebook is just one part of the social media networks that the culture warriors use to take down their next victim.

Trudeau arguably made himself an irresistible target. But that behavior was obviously not that extraordinary back in the time it happened.

As we keep changing the standards for moral behavior, more people will be caught up. There is a legal term for this "ex post facto" nominally protecting people from prosecution for crimes that were not crimes when they occurred. The court of public opinion does not respect such legal standards.


I only saw footage of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioning Zuckerberg. No spin, just emphatically asking the right questions.

"Sovereign dept"... well.... Banks failing, pension funds collapsing, the entire economy in need all thanks to irresponsible deregulation (from savings and loan to the financial crisis and beyond), deficits because of tax cuts for the rich and (in the US) completely outsized military spending.

I'm not sure that exchanging a government (which can be bound by rules) for nobody (the "invisible hand of the market") is a good thing. What could possibly go wrong?  ;D
living sounds said:
I only saw footage of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioning Zuckerberg. No spin, just emphatically asking the right questions.
AOC is a remarkable example of the power of social media for politics. She has risen to be an opinion leader for the democrats, being on camera questioning Zuckerberg despite being a freshman is a testament to how many social media followers she has.

Her questions were not that good, but even Zuckerberg knows he screwed up in 2016, she was just taking the obvious cheap shots at known problems. While he was there to answer questions about his proposed payments system.

Think about it, do we want Facebook to be the arbiter of truth deciding which political ads to run? Facebook is already policing illegal campaign ads in numerous countries. This is not just a US problem. 
"Sovereign dept"... well.... Banks failing, pension funds collapsing, the entire economy in need all thanks to irresponsible deregulation (from savings and loan to the financial crisis and beyond), deficits because of tax cuts for the rich and (in the US) completely outsized military spending.
(debt)...  opinions vary. I am not an advocate of using inflation to manage excessive debt, but that is the elephant in the room that nobody seems to recognize.

The amount of new spending being proposed by the current crop of (socialist like) candidates cannot be paid for by just taxing the rich.  Only Bernie has been honest enough to admit that his medicare for all would raise taxes on the middle class.  Back in Feb AOC suggested that the government can print more money to pay for the new green deal, but unfortunately the democrats are not the only politicians engaged in deficit spending.
I'm not sure that exchanging a government (which can be bound by rules) for nobody (the "invisible hand of the market") is a good thing. What could possibly go wrong?  ;D

And who exactly proposed that... ?

Our government needs to follow the rules closely (like the constitution). We seem to be finally getting to bottom of some actual illegal activity as pending investigations have been re-classified as criminal investigations. Interesting times ahead.


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