fbi handwritten notes - Michael Flynn

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JohnRoberts said:
Judges are supposed to be neutral (justice is blind) and decide matters of law, not prosecute someone after the actual prosecutor has already dropped the case. The judge is playing team politics, not doing his job. Whatever insult makes you feel better,

Not so much an insult as an observation.  For someone who spends so much time decrying team politics, you sure do get suckered by it a lot.  I think Sullivan is a little more cognizant than you and is aware that Barr is trying to sucker him, even to make him complicit in his abuse of power.  Are Barr's actions the sort of thing one should blindly accept from an Attorney General?  A man who is sworn to defend the Constitution & uphold this nation's laws but instead seems to busy himself as the president's errand boy--his new Roy Cohn? 

Sullivan may get clobbered by the Appeals Court, but Barr's behavior as AG has been unconscionable.  When you make Jeff Sessions look like a saint by comparison, you are truly plumbing the depths of human behavior.  He is a disgrace to his position, and a disgrace to the nation. 

I don't understand the ins and outs, but from what I have read a judge does have the option to deny a motion to dismiss. 
hodad said:
Not so much an insult as an observation.  For someone who spends so much time decrying team politics, you sure do get suckered by it a lot.  I think Sullivan is a little more cognizant than you and is aware that Barr is trying to sucker him, even to make him complicit in his abuse of power.  Are Barr's actions the sort of thing one should blindly accept from an Attorney General?  A man who is sworn to defend the Constitution & uphold this nation's laws but instead seems to busy himself as the president's errand boy--his new Roy Cohn? 

Sullivan may get clobbered by the Appeals Court, but Barr's behavior as AG has been unconscionable.  When you make Jeff Sessions look like a saint by comparison, you are truly plumbing the depths of human behavior.  He is a disgrace to his position, and a disgrace to the nation. 

I don't understand the ins and outs, but from what I have read a judge does have the option to deny a motion to dismiss.
This reminds me of a movie line... "do you know what no offense means? " So I'll ask do you know what "insult"  means? (like sucker).

We both may have biased world views from our different life experineces.  I trust mine more than yours.  Good luck with yours.


PS: AFAIK AG Holder is still the only AG held in contempt of congress...
JohnRoberts said:
We both may have biased world views from our different life experineces.

Of course we do.  As does everyone. 

Let me ask you this:  does it strike you as even slightly odd that a judge who was appointed by a Republican and well-regarded in conservative circles and largely well-regarded as a judge in general, has suddenly become an agent of the left-wing movement to get Trump? 
Does it strike you as odd that Bob Mueller, generally regarded as a by-the-book, straight-arrow FBI guy, and IIRC a Republican to boot, suddenly became the head of a vast liberal conspiracy to get Trump? 

When there's years of available evidence that contradicts the new narrative being espoused by Trump et al,  don't you think it's worth considering whether that narrative is really accurate? 
Don't you think that when your source (Trump) has been documented lying thousands of times, that it might be worthwhile bringing his assertions into question--particularly when they contradict so much available evidence? 

I said you were suckered, not a sucker.  I've certainly been suckered before, in a number of situations.  You may still find it insulting because you think you're too clever to be conned--which probably makes you the perfect mark. 

hodad said:
Of course we do.  As does everyone. 

Let me ask you this:  does it strike you as even slightly odd that a judge who was appointed by a Republican and well-regarded in conservative circles and largely well-regarded as a judge in general, has suddenly become an agent of the left-wing movement to get Trump? 
no... normal for modern TDS
Does it strike you as odd that Bob Mueller, generally regarded as a by-the-book, straight-arrow FBI guy, and IIRC a Republican to boot, suddenly became the head of a vast liberal conspiracy to get Trump? 
no... and he failed.
When there's years of available evidence that contradicts the new narrative being espoused by Trump et al,  don't you think it's worth considering whether that narrative is really accurate? 
but it isn't...

All the politicians saying they had evidence publicly said the opposite when under oath.

Don't you think that when your source (Trump) has been documented lying thousands of times, that it might be worthwhile bringing his assertions into question--particularly when they contradict so much available evidence? 
huh? my source... ?

I said you were suckered, not a sucker.  I've certainly been suckered before, in a number of situations.  You may still find it insulting because you think you're too clever to be conned--which probably makes you the perfect mark.
I will not say what I am thinking... but good try...

don't you have anything better to do than troll me?

JohnRoberts said:
I will not say what I am thinking... but good try...

:) ;) :mad: :mad: ;D :D ;) ;) ::) :p :-X :-* :'( :'( :-\ :-\ :-[ ::) ::) ??? :mad: :mad: :mad: :) :) ;) ;) ;) 8) :p ::) ??? :'( ;) :) :)

I'll leave your fiefdom to you then. 

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