got the preamp tube heaters wired,
was expecting the transformer voltage to drop down from 6.55 to 6.3 with the addition of the 1 amp draw of the three 12AX7a tubes but we only got 6.5 but that is reasonable for late night mains voltage,
that dual #21 wind is pretty stiff, taking off another turn would mean 6.1 volts and we lose the balanced CT.
changing the wind to one strand of #21 instead of the bi-fi wind would do the trick if we were picky about the 0.2 volts.
plate volts are sitting at 395 with a bias of minus 42 volts on the JJ 6L6GC's. could probably use 16 more HV sec turns to hit 400 on the dot.
using the Bassman 5F6 bias scheme (no pot) with a solder tab for a trimming resistor. we have a 22 ohm cathode resistor for the two 6L6 tubes, this was chosen to give a reading of 1 V-dc when the tubes are biased right,
1 V / 22 ohms = 45.5 ma idle current.
60% of 30 watts (max 6L6 disp) = 18 watts
18 W / 395 V = 45.5 ma
will the 22 ohm cathode resistor add any mojo to the sound? probably not. this is a push pull circuit so degeneration currents will cancel unless we have some severe clipping,
got some .022 / 600 V orange drops ready to feed the grids, and we have 21 volts feeding 16 volt zeners for the reverb opamp supply, this cuts down on the hideous heat of the standard DeVille which had those trace lifting Dale pwr resistors in there. We used some 270 ohm 3 watt jobs in there, they have about 5 volts across them so 5/270=18.5 ma, so "eye squared are" loss is 0.092 watts so 3 watts is way over kill unless an opamp shorts out, we are not going to pull in any relays, been there, done that, don't want to go there,
FET switching for Clean/Lead switching is the way to go here, if we protect the gates.
we are going to go with a standard Bassman 5F6 for the clean channel and a Pig Nose G40V for the dirt, which is a 5F6 with an extra stage featuring a 10 K cathode resistor, so we keep the 3 tube format and will keep the common tone stack idea so it will match the chassis holes on the stock face plate.
this wire is awesome! pre-tinned and waxed, so no fluffy hairballs and no having to twist and tin before soldering, very close to original Blackface wire>