Fender DIY problem

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Ok... I double check... the schematic is actually wrong :( no problem I realize that before some smoke occur :)

Now, all the voltages are ok... I have +425V at 6L6 pin 3 both tubes... the Bias voltage is -51V.

All ok, but... the both 6L6 still arcing :(... when I remove the phase inverter everything is ok. Swap the Phase Invert tube by new one just to verify if is not a tube problem, but the same is happening :(
Well... let me see if any other wrong wiring...
Any ideas?

We measured the voltages in the amplifier and compared it to a known well working amp (same circuit),
the voltages in the black are the reference amp and the voltages in red are the ones we measured in my amplifier.

The problem seems to be related to the strange voltages the Vibrato Tube(V5 - 12Ax7) and the Phase Inverter (V6 - 12At7) are receiving, all the other voltages in the rest of the tubes are spot on, It's strange.

Do you have any idea of what could be causing that although the other tubes have all the voltages spot on , V5 and V6 are way off?



  • Voltages 30Ago13 .jpg
    Voltages 30Ago13 .jpg
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