Fletcher's Offer

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[quote author="thestudio"]Why would Brad and Fletcher be so interested in moving
this site into the ProAudioWeb? mmmmmmm? :shock:[/quote]

Long story... but this is an old post. They were trying to help the DIY group during one of our darkest days.

In summary: Once upon a time, bigtree went berserk and shut down the DIY forum without any warning. That left all DIY members without a board and the means to communicate to each other.

Prodigy Pro was the first to setup a board and soon CJ was calling everybody to the "new place"... and thus, the DIY LAB was born.
[quote author="thestudio"]Why would Brad and Fletcher be so interested in moving this site into the ProAudioWeb? mmmmmmm? :shock:[/quote]

Yeah, I wouldn't read into it, they were just trying to do us a favor. This was posted within the first couple of days of this forum when stuff was still up in the air. Again, they were just trying to be nice and help out...and I honestly don't believe it goes deeper than that. :thumb:
Well, I prefer this site compared to the ProAudioWeb because of the non-corporate type atmosphere. I remember trying to find out info on some old Neve modules and it was like voodoo or something as if I shouldn?t need to know that stuff but if I needed some work done send it there way for $90 an hour. Many other stories but I won?t bore you, but in my opinion there?s always a little more than meets the eye. :guinness: :guinness: :thumb:
> bigtree went berserk and shut down the DIY forum without any warning. That left all DIY members without a board

Leaving aside Bigtree's state of mind: as I recall, "we" (some people in RO TechTalk) did not dig the New-look, the changed features, and the server instability that came with the changes. Or a poorly announced fee for PM, which basically got shut-off before most folks knew it. And some words were slung around, suggesting that Bigtree had forgotten that, in an open web, forums are run by the community, not the host.

So "WE" (a few people of the RO TechTalk section) started a new forum to gather in first, while RO TechTalk was still open.

OK, but then a few people made a rude attempt to suck-down the entire content of the RO TechTalk section, causing a load that could not be ignored. And (rightfully, IMHO) pissing-off Bigtree. If someone were hammering on MY server, to the point that everybody else was jammed-out, I would remove whatever content was attracting too much traffic.

i.e. we crossed our bridge and then some of us burned it down.

> Why would Brad and Fletcher be so interested

They already host similar groups, have the back-end to handle it well, and made the offer. Greed isn't any big part of the picture: web-forums are a crummy way to make money, even with all of ProSoundWeb.com's ads, and DIY's traffic would not put any big bump in that. You note that the offer was made in days of chaos, early June. And aside from re-posting here for the record, and leaving the offer open, they have not repeated it. And the explicitly wished us "best of luck here!!". They were just being brotherly.

On another forum that I moderate, I have "taken in" about a dozen communities that lost their homes. I always meant well, even when the situation was full of friction that spilled on me.

While ProSoundWeb is a good board, I prefer here. Assuming that our commercial host does not notice our traffic or admin time, we seem to be able to work without 3/4-page ads.
If I were to make any comments you would find it all very similar to what Paul has just said and so I see no point in saying it all again.

I can verify that the offer from Brad was good and full of good will. Remember these guys had lived through there own issues a long time ago.
For my part I told all persons on the first day that I would make no choice or judgment for one week.

During that week you guys had successfully sorted yourselves out and no help was required. Well done to the light fingers on the Keyboard. He knows who I mean. Well done to other movers for all the positive things that went on in those first couple of days.

I week later ... 10 June 04 ... I did make a choice and that has already been shown here at the Lab a couple of days ago. Just can't keep anything quiet for long around here. I still post on all forums and the Group DIY page is still available to view although it will get smaller as it becomes out of date. At it's largest it was bigger than any of you will ever know ... I think Chris just closed his eyes and just let me go. Chris does have a very generous side that would be difficult for me to convince you of ... but it is there. Once again I do publicly thank him for allowing us the space in the very early days.

Tech Talk did shine very brightly for a while and considering it was on the verge of being closed due to lack of interest I would like to thank all those early contributors who stuck in there.

diy, diy
happy, happy
Bottom line............This is a great site and I look forward to it's longevity and non -corporate environment. :thumb:

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