Brian Roth
Well-known member
Re. hating metalwork. Perhaps because I began DIY in Jr. High Screwel I'm not that adverse to it. Simple projects in the electronic magazines required some sort of enclosure. So, I worked in my parents garage with an electric Craftsman drill and some bits, butchering <g> Bud aluminum project boxes sold at the local supply houses, or from mail order. I also learned to prefer the "bakelite" of my gear is DIY. If there’s an affordable commercially-available product, I wouldn’t say no to it though.
But if DIY, then the trick is to determine the best path forward. I could definitely repurpose an existing mixer of some kind, but then I’d have to match the control set (or at least, the holes and labels) that already exist. Building fully from-scratch could be fun from a circuit-design perspective, but I hate metalwork.
I even sold Roth Fuzz stompboxes to guitarist friends in High Screwel, I learned how to silk screen the panel legends. A huge hit in the marketplace....perhaps six sold. <G!>
Anyway, it's not that difficult if working with flat aluminum panels (like rack). A drill press helps a lot, along with Greenlee punches for larger holes (like XLR) . I select components that mount in round holes. For odd things like fader slots, large rectangles, I outsourced that to a shop which has a vertical milling machine. Nowadays, FPE looks good for anything requiring non-round holes.