Today i finished my second stereo pultec and unlike the first one, which was just perfect (really

, this one isn't.
It's got a hum/buzz around -54dB, a very clean one... 50Hz 100hz ect the usual harmonics.
i tried:
- moving the PSU around (i got the one from don audio, so only 1 toroid)
- turning the PSU, even moved it out of the case
- i connected only the grounds of the optional unbalanced input at the PCB to the IEC connector (i use 4 LL5402, so the unbalanced hole was free to connect a ground)
- i connected only the input grounds to the IEC
- i disconnected the output grounds
but it all makes no difference, not even the tiniest bit... hum stays steady at -54dB
So what did i do different from the 1st build.
- I used balanced jack out instead of XLR because it's more practical for my setup (which wouldn't really have to make a difference i suppose?)
- I just saw that i used ECC82 instead of ECC88 in this build by accident, ordered the wrong ones unfortunately (right ones on the way!

- turned the PCB's 180 degrees (which i kind of tested turning, but didn't seem to make a difference)
I know it's not recommended building a stereo in one case cause it's kinda cramped, but hey, the first one was perfect
Any recommendations on what to check next?