G7 - What bodies to use (& what not to use...)

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thanks Stewart.. Now I'm off to try to find the traffos and 7way switch...
take care..
hello everybody

i uploaded 2 pics of my new microphone body for the g7...

the grill and the bottom part are from a mxl v67
the inside measurements of the new body are exactly the same as in the v67 and the pcb fits perfect!
i also used the 2 1G resistors of the v67 because i had only such wierd glass-resistors...

now i only need the transformer that will be delivered next month, and the wires...

4 pounds of microfone ;)

pics: http://de.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/brizco12

[quote author="BR"]Hey guys,
I really don't know which of my questions triggered the reaction above, but I'm sorry for the redunt questions anyways... I just looked over all the threads in the Mic meta and I can see how this can get really boring after a while, nevertheless, some of my questions weren't answered in the threads in the meta... like the Transformer question and the 7 polar pattern questions....

sorry again....


I think I'm guilty of annoying people with questions recently.
Not because I didn't read the thread, though ...

I still had questions after reading the metas about grounding.
But I made my question very, (can't find the word ??) ...
in the style off ... how about grounding ?

:oops: :oops:

Sorry about the rant. It just kind of feels like there are some lazy people here to me.

I think of it like school if you worked on your homework and did not understand something if you had a good teacher they could "pick up" understand that you realy tried to understand it and/or do the work:however something was missing. A good teacher would often spend time to help with what was missing and give you a chance to redo your work. A good teacher could also tell if you did not even open the book.

Sometimes I feel some people did not even open the book.

At other web site forums the forums went down hill when they were infested with people jumping in with out even reading/doing anything.

I guess what bothers me is that I tend to post things that I have tested and/or built and if the post is about something I did not try, I try to remember to state where I read the information.

I am aware that there are Language issues and some people are new to building things. So just take my rant as a rant. I need to step back and try to rember what it was like when I started building/fixing/modding things about 4 decades ago
anybody had any luck with the power traffos in the US?.. the ones I found are Toroidal and they are just HUGE.... 3.5" in diameter.. :shock:
I am going to give the stock NTK circuit a look soon. I think I will take pictures ans writeup what and why I change some parts if I do(Kev this sound good?).

FWIW I tend to like simple tube transformer circuits in microphones However some transformerless designs sound good. One thing I noted is with MOST lower end condenser microphones transformerless sounds better stock than the transformer models. This make sense to me because good transformers I like start at about $100.00 and up.

So wait a bit before you change the NTK circuit. FWIW I heard a CD of a microphone test. Funny thing one of the cuts I liked alot used a M149.
Wait a sec, you folks are buying $240 microphones just to gut them for DIY?

Can't you just shove it all inside a mag light?

Hello I am thinking to build two G7 mics and put them into my HAT 800 mic bodies. HAT 800 is chinese tube condenser with external power supply in price range of 300 USD, it is quite good sounding mic, but I am now searching for something more sofisticated.

The pipe part of HAT 800 is made of 50mm diameter brass tube, the same as G7 is made of, that I am going to replace with a new, longer one. I will also replace side bars holding PCBs and internal parts to fit Gustavs PCBs inside. I would also like to replace capsule for CK12 type.

Do you think this microphone head/grill is suitable for placing some kind of CK 12? I am now considering the capsule made by Tim Campbell as this is one of the best solution I have found.

Do the CK12 types have all the same outer diameter? I would like to use/modify existing capsule holder.


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