Hello I am thinking to build two G7 mics and put them into my HAT 800 mic bodies. HAT 800 is chinese tube condenser with external power supply in price range of 300 USD, it is quite good sounding mic, but I am now searching for something more sofisticated.
The pipe part of HAT 800 is made of 50mm diameter brass tube, the same as G7 is made of, that I am going to replace with a new, longer one. I will also replace side bars holding PCBs and internal parts to fit Gustavs PCBs inside. I would also like to replace capsule for CK12 type.
Do you think this microphone head/grill is suitable for placing some kind of CK 12? I am now considering the capsule made by Tim Campbell as this is one of the best solution I have found.
Do the CK12 types have all the same outer diameter? I would like to use/modify existing capsule holder.