Finding the value for R46 [ with fet ]
R46 is determined by putting a FET in the circuit, then adjusting
for minimum output offset. This value drifts some with temperature, so
I try to adjust for <.5mv when the circuit is warmed up.
You are selecting r46 for minimum output offset voltage at output
[ before output transformer of course , if you installed one ]
just power the board up, it already has the feedback resistor, and put
a 2K or so pot in for R46, adjust for minimum, let things warm up some
more and readjust. After 15 minutes or so take the pot out of the
circuit, measure and replace with a fixed resistor of the closest 1%
value and then retest for warmed up minimum offset.
It takes a little while, but it's something you can walk away from in
between tweaks.
Further refinement [ and quote ] from Dan on slecting the resister
When adjusting for R46, I first power the boards up, and see that the
offset is less than about 15mV, and frankly I forget which polarity.
This proves that the FETs are a reasonable match.
Then insert the trimpot in for R46, adjust for zero offset, which you can't
do because just breathing on the board will move it a little, but you can
get it trimmed into less than 1mV pretty easily.
Remove and measure the trimpots, then replace with the closest 1%
resistor you can get.
It's not super critical, the offset won't get any worse, and anything under
5 or 10mV's of offset isn't going to cause any problems.