On the 201 the Preamp input is unbalanced (Ring to Ground TRS socket) greater than 20K impedance 30dB gain, designed for guitars, bass etc low level not for line level, the Balanced/Unbalanced input is 10K impedance active balanced - the In/Out switch on the front panel bridges the Bal/Unbal TRS Input to the Bal/Unbal TRS Output. The 206 has a similar switch on the front panel. I’d test with both in bypass.
The interconnect between the two can use a TRS cable or T&S cable and the Bal/Unbal Out to Bal/Unbal In.
The 206 should not feed into the Preamp input of the 201.
If you’re getting loud hum when not having the 206 going into the 201 Preamp but the Bal/Unbal Input then it’s more than likely there is a connection to ground via the AC>DC power supply in each unit which may be out of phase causing ground currents. The 202 uses 16V AC to create a +15/-15 balanced power supply with 7805 and 7905 regulators common ground so it’s possible the 201 is similar - not sure the 206 is the same but as they all use the same type of AC supply and have high output capability it’s likely.
If you check the AC voltage on one of the spare connectors with both units connected it should not fall below 16V AC.
As previously suggested I’d be using separate supplies.