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Hi Kev,

I'm from Malta man... Loads of maltese in the 50s just went to Australia looking for jobs... :grin:

you're probably from sydney then ? or not?

thanks for your help kev ... I appreciate a lot
[quote author="keithcamilleri"]I'm from Malta man... [/quote]

Of course you are ... :green:

Here in Melbourne we have Joe Camilleri and some of his family
... and a few of my work mates come from Malta.
They make a lot of noise BUT we still love them dearly. :wink:
maltese are all noisy man :green: we were designed with a faulty gate/limiter...

I would love to visit there...we could meet up.. it's one thing I have to do to come to Australia...
Hi all!
I've just created an account here as I surfed on this forum for quite a few months now :wink:
I also want to build this SSL clone, as I need a few bus comps for my project studio.
I'm building my shopping list while reading here the posts concerning this project, and I have a question concerning the transformer, because I've read quite a few posts concerning hum and so on...
I don't really know what trafo to buy. I could buy the one that fits on the PCB (the blue farnell one), because it simplifies the building step a bit, but is this not better soundwise to use a toroid one?
Thanks all for your time,
hi funkysam welcome...

I have used a toroid in my first ssl...all went fine regarding humming...if you follow kev's list you should be ok...
Hi Sam,

Welcome to "the Lab"!

The powersupply transformer for the SSL-project is not very critical. But if you want to play it safe, just use a 2x15V, 500mA or larger, toriod transformer.

Good luck with the project!

Jakob E.
Thanks You Guys for your answers!
I think I'll go for a toroid one if I can find one that can fit in a 1U rack.

Jakob, you said 500mA or less but the blue farnell one that fits on the pcb delivers only 130mA per secondary, so I guess 130 mA is the minimum recommended for a secondary.

Yes Keith, I try to "stick" as much as possible at Jakob's list, to avoid any surprises.

I will just make 2 "mods" (if we can call that a mod... :oops: ):
- use a DPDT switch for bypass (with makeup gain off when bypassed) insted of the rotary switch

The other one, I don't know, but I think I won't add a VU meter. Do you all really use them? 'cause I guess they're not that accurate...
[quote author="keithcamilleri"]Hi Jakob,

I am building 2 ssl in one case and I would like to use 1 meter. Would I be doing anything wrong if I'll put a switch and this switch will be used to switch from one compressor to the other.

So that when the switch is on one position I'll be viewing the meter of one compressor and when the switch is on the other I'll be viewing the second compressor...[/quote]

That's not a problem at all. I did the same thing for what ended up being a quad-channel comp. For me, I did it because I wanted a big meter and didn't have the space for two.

thanks lictme ...

doing the same thing too....

which meter did you use?

I am using a 29w problem is that I don't know what I am reading... since it's not a vu the printed scales that came with it are not a vu style. so its not straight forware to read...

The SSL-clone does not use a VU-type meter, but a linear-scale DC-reading meter.

The readout will be dB/linear segment of the scale - reading from bottom to top, not backwards like 1176 and so.

Jakob E.
[quote author="keithcamilleri"]thanks lictme ...

doing the same thing too....

which meter did you use?

I am using a 29w problem is that I don't know what I am reading... since it's not a vu the printed scales that came with it are not a vu style. so its not straight forware to read...[/quote]

I used an old simpson meter (1ma) that I found in a surplus yard. There's a meter scale that nrgrecording made for the group that is easily scaled to fit any meter face - use that to replace your sifam scale and the compression display will make a lot more sense (look for it in the ssl meta).

Hey guys, here's my problem. My clone seems to function properlly when I send it a low signal. but hot signals turn into the big muff. even in bypass. It also distorts low input signals when I boost moderate makeup gain. This is in all positions of the release switch. the sitch is configured properly. I am using a double pole double throw toggle switch for bypass. Thanks in advance for any help.
yes it brittle distortion, no high end cut, Just checked all resistor values, looks good, I know thats the most comon error. I'm puzzled. tried switching vcas, with my extras.(I have 2180las)
I wonder.
At low output, it is working properly.(sounds really good.) But turn output to a nominal level, or flip it into bypass, and it gets crunchy. I can turn the levelup at the source, before the compressor, and as soon as it gets to the nominal level, distortion.
not sure. thinking about it though... have you measured the output of your desk? how about the output of the unit? are the i/o balanced or unbalanced?
its ballanced. I'm coming strait out of my converters (lavry blues) into a poweramp. do you want me to measure impedance or voltage?
Yhanks for thinking about this.