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hi guys and girls

i have a problem that i try very hard to fix...but i cant´have sucess.

i have my gssl all done, whit turbo board, dbx 202c on main and dbx 2150 on sidechain.

the sound enter on gssl, i have threshold,ratio,relese and atack work fine (because the meter change),i have light on meter, the meter is ok, the 15 and 12 voltage are ok.

but...i dont have sound in the outputs.
my question is, if the dbx 202c are broken wath will affect on gssl??


By ribazigi at 2009-06-04

sorry to bored but i really need help

I've finally managed to make my gssl work ! Thanks for the help.
I had the right THAT2180 dead after I put the NE5534 next to it on the wrong side. To test the vca, I changed it with the sidechain 2180 (instead of the left channel one) so I didn't noticed immediately it was broken.
After a lot of verifications (and useless modifications), I'm happy ! Sorry if I sounded a bit whining...
The next step will be to add the turbo function.

Hi  :)

So the ssl clone is working perfectly but I made the initial mistake of buying one of Tat Purushas cases for the "super sidechain" option (the one that has the " original" ssl look. The problem is that that I bought the "turbo sidechain" hahahha BUT I have decided to solder the turbo board on to the ssl and ignore the button that says TL TM and so on. My question is this : I want to make the compressor switchable so that I can have : 1 : ssl 2: turbo  3: external sidechain and perhaps 4 : turbo with external sidechain (I dont know if the latter makes any sense ) all of this preferably on a lorlin switch (that I can put in instead of the one intended for purushas case ) hope this makes sense and I hope any one can help .
hi stereokillah

i have atencion to the resistor don´t touch on dbx, but´s better check

i gonna change the NE5532 just to check

i think i have check eveythink but... :mad: i'm stupid

i have NE5534 on the outputs, instead the NE5532,i have changed it but the sound dont´came out.

what damage can this mistake do?

:) :)

tanks for the ligth stereokillah, now i have sound on the outputs

but steel whit problems... :p

on meter, everything i switch they make move the meter correct (except the gain), but dont change the audio that come out. and have 1 channel whit a -6db diference from other, and very distorcion on 1 channel ( that as less -6db).

but i see someone whit this problem on the forum, i will read more

For the voltages, I used this message, it helped me found where my problems where located !
ribazigi , soory but i don't see on your pictures , your link +15 and -15 must don't touch your gold too, so for your channel with -6db check your wire between xlr and crimp perhaps you have inversed the + and - or check if you have sitgal between the crimp and xlr on all wire.

my link +15 and -15 dont touch on dbx, but you must exculpate me but i dont know how to check the signal between the crimp and xlr on all wire.

how did i do this?

slowbass said:
For the voltages, I used this message, it helped me found where my problems where located !

with gssl voltages values list in that page :

i fixed problem! (for now)

have a nice beer
(if you like)

steel fighting stereokillah  :) :)

after read some thread i do some measures, and got something strange... ???

My problem steel the same, -6db on 1 channel output and that channel have very distorsion.

the make up gain do nothing, and the rest work fine in the meter but, dont change the sound in output.

because my english is very bad i take some drawings.


By ribazigi at 2009-06-06


By ribazigi at 2009-06-06

if you guys have some patience for me me

ok i already have this problem for the distrotion, your stuff under the two 47k thouch themself or the link next to it check it,
if not check if you capacitors are in good position + and -, after check your stuffed under the 5532 if one don't touch an other.


I think for your make up it's another thing check if it's a good linking if the first wire is on the A of of the switch the second need to be on the 2

if B on the5
if C on the8
if D on the 11
ribazigi said:

steel fighting stereokillah  :) :)

after read some thread i do some measures, and got something strange... ???

My problem steel the same, -6db on 1 channel output and that channel have very distorsion.

the make up gain do nothing, and the rest work fine in the meter but, dont change the sound in output.

because my english is very bad i take some drawings.


By ribazigi at 2009-06-06

if you guys have some patience for me me

Why have you changed those resistor values?
hi guy

i not change the resistor values, this measure that when gssl are on.

i dont understand why.

stereokillah this afternoon i go check what you sugest.

stereokillah said:
it's normal if the value change when the resistor are stufed if you unstuff it the value will be the good

2nd this, resistors willnever measure correctly when stuffed


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