main repairman said:
This is my new measured voltage on the sidechain section.
Measured values are ok or bad?
Dubious idea to disconnect the ratio switch.

Are you sure your diodes are diodes for real, the TL074 is alife, you didn't connect any additional load to the +/-12V rails and your meter (with full batterie) can handle this frequency ?
Your 0.8VAC reading at halfwave rectifier output for the negative halfcycle at input is wrong.
Just running a simulation, with 0.14VAC 400Hz sine signal in (0.2Vpk, 0.4Vppk) it will swing to +0.2Vpk for the negative halfcycle at input and leave out (0V) the positive halfcycle, so still at 400Hz.
Keeping your 0.8VAC reading at this junction (by ignoring your voltage reading at TL074-pin1 and substituting the 20K fb with 160K), this inverted halfwave is fed to the summing node thru a 10K and the fullwave input signal thru a 20K, so for usual half of the first halfcycle cancels out and the other halfcycle adds up. With your disconnected ratio switch ensemble there is only the insane value 1M feedback resistor left, that would give (0.2Vpk*1M/20k*-1)=-10Vpk for the positive input halfcycle and opamp thankfully fails in the attempt to swing to ((0.2V*160K/20K)-0.2V)*1M/10K*-1)=-140Vpk because of voltage rail limits for the negative halfcycle. Your 2.8VAC is only the oscillating rest in a state of opamps try to better comit suicide.