Cheers! I just finished putting my together everything on my rev#11 PCB from pcbgrinder. My 10r resistor starts to smoke when i startup, except i put out the THAT2181c's. Gerardmanvuca had a thread in 2007 where he said his smoking 10r resistor was caused by wiring the black and yellow cables on the pcb board wrong. Can somebody tell me weather i did it right or weather there could be something else wrong? I had some short runs before, with some of the opamps sitting the wrong way - maybe this destroyed my THAT21801c and this causes the smoke? Im in Europe by the way, so i wired the toroidal transformer so that the red and the orange are connected.
Schematics & pictures attached. Would be awesome if somebody could help me!
Schematics & pictures attached. Would be awesome if somebody could help me!